What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

Didn’t one of those short stories explicitly state how one of those night elven ambush parties specifically drew out the horde group’s deaths to make it as torturous as possible?

That’s kind of the ugly side to “savage” themes. It seems silly to ignore or push that away.


Yes in Elegy and Sylvanas was mentioning that this is not normal for them and they became more and more angry which is what she wanted for some reason.

Why are you denying this lore?

Do you see where it says invaders?

We’re not talking about who deserved what, we’re talking about if the High Elves were invaders.


Oh, so savage, but in a glamorous way, with no ripped dresses, I see, I see :smirk:

Anyway, I just want to feel good about the story and I want the clown fiesta on the Forums to end, finally.

I do agree with many posters that the story has been very damaged at this point, so heck, gl to the writers.

We’re elves still… and there has to be a distinction between rocs and trolls.
Also we don’t wera dresses but actually no clothes at all … we don’t want blood on our clothes. That is the reason for the sentinel armor. Of course it is the reason.

its not lore lol they went to a place, they where refugees, the humans took them in there was no war, they left because the glades was a bad place, and they wanted to be nice to the humans, and then they went to troll lands, and instead of talking and figuring out where they could settle or telling them where they could go out of there lands, as not like the they had a map of where to go, they just attacked them on sight, with the goal of genociding them

ahahahaha. Yes, if the trolls had just politely asked the High Elves to leave, they would still have their land. I’m sure if they had just politely asked Azshara not to take their land this would have worked as well.
But trolls are just such unreasonable and hostile people for no reason, they had it coming both times, yes yes.


The Chronicle isn’t lore?

The Chronicle is what calls them invaders.

Literally none of this makes them not invaders.


Reparations should not happen because of player enjoyment.

It should happen because the Horde burned down the night elves home, and because the Horde should strive to not return to villianhood and actually become a good guy faction, they should give resources to help rebuild night elf civilization.

Not just settle for Sylvanas head, since she should not have all the blame for Horde atrocities.

It is very clear to me, that if the Horde wants a better future and prevent a future Night elf vs Horde war, they have to help the night elves in some way beyond just offing Sylvanas.

guess we’ll never know, remember the reason that the humans joined the high elves in the first place is the trolls targeted them too

I’m joking.

I don’t want elves to get bloody too. I want that to remain a troll/orc thing.

Quite frankly, I even think the “hairyness” doesn’t even suit them, but whatev.

I don’t think the trolls tried to make peace with the High Elves, I may be wrong.

Also they were also butchering humans to, who I don’t think had settled sacred troll land like the high elves did.

I’m having flashbacks to that scene in Red Dragon where Ralph Finnes has Philip Seymour Hoffman duct-taped to a chair and showing him his ‘vacation slides’.


…the last hundred posts on this thread needn’t even exist if people would just learn use their ‘Ignore’ function.


people who play horde and defend crimes are immoral, just like the alliance players who feel that horde war crimes, justifies them doing war crimes too

Yes, let the Horde make a huge settlement in the middle of let’s say Elwynn forrest and see how Alliance would like it. And if Alliance would attack then Horde could claim that “they attacked us first so we’re justified in wiping them out”.


Bruh the ignored person appears as a “1 hidden reply” button and I don’t understand how anyone has the self-discipline needed to NOT click that.

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They attacked the moment they entered the lands, there wasnt a settlement

Yeah. I tried to keep some people on ignore. But ultimately I’ll see a quote or a bunch of hidden stuff and feel the urge.

I don’t think the sentiment is bad, but personally I don’t think this would ever matter, if the story tried to make any logical sense. What happened is just too brutal and, well, savage to be overlooked. And elves live way too long, making it impossible for the horde to ever be able to move past it.

In my opinion, I think you need these people to die off so a new generation grows up with a level of separation from what happened, but that can’t happen here.

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Because they were going with an army? REady to take over because their scouts saw that their land has juicy lay lines?

the Highborne will never learn, sadly.