What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

the fact is they started a war to cleanse the elves something you seem not to understand lol

I meant that some things that are being asked are boring and pointless. Reparations help those who have been damaged by war.

If Blizz wrote like… idk… the Horde gave NEs 3k gold and that’s it, who would actually enjoy that?

And before anyone says saying, no, “Sylvanas head on a stick” isn’t any better. We should all want a proper good story.

They didn’t start the war, the High Elves did.

And the High Elves were invaders.

This is these are the lore facts you’ve not accepted.

None of this relates to justification or defending. Do you understand?


factualy wrong even in the posts you posted before lol the trolls attacked on sight

Because the High Elves were on their land.

It LITERALLY calls them invaders.


It would be head on a glaive.

And actually that would be not enough for me personally. Not the slightest.
This is why I want a story where both factions feel the consequence of it.

NEs occupiyng Orgrimmar and imprisoning and interrogating its citizen with Wardens to find the loyalists and punish them. That is what I would want.

Have an expansion or 2 where I had to see NE refugees in SW, to have the Horde see NE wardens in their city purging them of the hidden loyalists.

that doesnt justify genocide my dude, are the nights elves justifed in attacking the orcs in wc3?



fact is they attacked on sight

Sure, whatever. As long as it’s a good story.

The Amani attacked on sight.
The High Elves were invaders.

These are both facts. The difference is you’ve only contested the invader part.


I dont think you understand how diplomancy works, how it cant start if you are attacked on sight

I never said anything about diplomacy, just that the High Elves were invaders.


Personally however I think it wpuld not suite NEs to parade with Sylvanas head around. It is just not their thing.
NEs probably do a clean cut, not even letting her suffer from it.

But the consequence should be something players feel and see.
Maybe even mutually. Have Thrall or the Council agree to have the Wardens doing their thing in Orgrimmar, it is in their interest to have the loyalists found.

Doesn’t necessarly mean NEs have to attack and occupy … but What I want is, a sign of strengh and upped heads against the Horde.
After that it can develop into a mutual idea of rebuilding and exchange.

So where the orcs invaders in ashenvale? in wc3, so your saying the nelves had a right to attack on sight too then

Why not? You kept saying over and over how you want them to be more “savage”.

If I answer, will you accept the High Elves were invaders?


Savage yes, but NE savagery is more the ferocious kind, not the … uhm ugly nad disgusting we hang rotten corpses on our belts kind.
Savage in terms of burying someone alive , or ambush them from teh shadows with no mercy.

Orcs just wanted wood, Elves knew that land was occupied but that juicy laylines they wanted so badly…

of course not I am not just gonna change what I think lol, they didnt deserved to be attacked, if the trolls never launched there war of genocide they’d probably still have there lands.