What race should I make my alliance mage?

The only problem with gnomes is that puddles force them to swim. I do like them though.

There are only two acceptable alliance races; dwarves and worgen.

Human and draenei are also acceptable if you are considering a paladin.

I made a mechagnome because hardly anyone does. But if I had to do it again, I’d just stay gnome. :heart: Escape artist.

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But human females have… something special that catch the eyes.


Why those races?

I like them.

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Yes, but worgen females can be human females the majority of time while still benefitting from their awesome casting animations.

I really like the lady worgen casting animations. :grin:

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It’s an issue for all the short races, but one that doesn’t pop up very often.
Better question: you looking to min/max, or just going for class fantasy? I personally find min/maxing to be silly as we’re generally talking exceptionally small numbers in the long run, but if that matters to you, go with a mechagnome as opposed to a normal gnome. One of their racial skills is essentially a weaker/modified version of the talent Incanter’s Flow. You could also try a dark iron dwarf for Fireblood. The racial can be situational in regards to getting the most out of it, but even without getting hit with a ton of debuffs at the same time, you still get a decent little DPS burst for eight seconds.

From the class fantasy standpoint, I’d say that humans are the most iconic race for the class. Seriously, ask any Warcraft player to name the first mage that comes to mind, and I’d be willing to bet the answer is either Jaina or Khadgar.

I still say gnome however. There’s just something fun about being a three foot tall walking nuke that feels a need to apologize for the inconvenience that your murderous rampage may have caused.

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I will consider it.

Weird that we haven’t gotten any Draenei fanatics in here talking about the /waggle.

I’ll do it! Nothing beats a cute draenei girl! Plus, Gift of the Naaru op, everyone knows that.

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I need feet. Beautiful, beautiful feet.

Wiggles toes

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Puff don’t wiggle those toes waggle that tail hun. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Amen good fox marsupial thing.

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Do you plan on casting with your feet? Impressive.

No. I plan to stretches feet in the air

stretches hoof in the air and waggles

Actually this is an awkward position. stands up

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So much cringe…


If you say so.

Hugs Bixi and laughs at the attempt

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Human female mages look really good. My first alt was one all the way back in Vanilla. Back then their facial expressions wouldn’t change, so you would be casting deadly fireballs while looking like you’re soaking your nails getting a mani/pedi - talk about effortless casting!

Nowadays they have expressions and 10 billion new customizations.

I can’t see why you wouldn’t just make your mage a human female and never look back!

I am 75 percent leaning towards that race.

The moment I saw the word “marsupial” one thing came to mind: