What race are ya?

Primarily I’m a BE (best race idk what anyone says)

Alt priest that I play with in the Alliance guild…I’m a human :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

I would pick worgen but no tails make them feel awkward to me. :cloud_with_rain:

Goblin currently.

When I was alliance I was draenei. Not bis but solid racials and female draenei have the best casting animations in the game imo. Plus… horns and tails!

My preferred horde race is actually troll, but goblin rocket jump is op so here I am, lol.

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Preach lol my shaman has switched between di dwarf and Draenei so many times.

I’ve spent around $700 over 10 years a doing this lol

I have this guy as a human but I may switch him later on to Dwarf.

Dwarf hands down, Watching the feral druids and assassination rogues try to figure out what do after you fire blood or stone form there one-shot combos makes it worth it.

Night Elf for Shadowmeld. Or Mechagnome for the semi-cheat death in Emergency Failsafe.

Goblin!!! Put your gold in my collection plate!

Zandalari literally just for the 5% speed buff and they look great

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you’re not gobo though?


My priest is also Worgen. I’m just always a fan of them.

Now if only darkflight worked like death’s advance…

Void elf… racials just too good in pvp until orc becomes a thing.