What PLAYABLE race do you want Blizzard to add

Alliance high elves exist. Pale skin and blue eyes, alliance elves. Literally only a name difference which you can change with an RP add on.

Literally what mechagnomes already are.

Also void elves have most of blood elf customisation. Nightborn have zero night elf customisation. They can’t even really look like the npcs. Where is my squinty eyes also why did I shrink?



  • ogre (priest, shaman, warrior, hunter, warlock, mage maybe monk)
  • hozen (monk, warrior, hunter, rogue maybe shaman)


  • Jinyu/Ankoan (warrior, hunter, rogue, mage, priest, monk)
  • Arakkoa (warrior, priest, mage, warlock, rogue )


  • Tuskarr (druid, shaman, monk, priest, warrior, rogue)
  • Tol’vir (warrior, priest, warlock, hunter, paladin)


  • Forst Trolls
  • Yagunol
  • Ogres


  • Broken
  • Jinyu
  • Furgbolds

((Edith: Mogu would be cool too. Leaving more to the Horde here.))

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Illidans Blood Orcs.

Warrior to hell and back as one of them.


TBH I still feel Jinyu and Hozen should have been the playable races in pandaria instead of Pandaren. I am actually really happy Hozen and Jinyu got some love in battle for azeroth, showing up in the horde and alliance armies as NPCs.


now for some default answers…

Ogres, the Kul’tiran human models make for great ogre models. I want bird people (Arakkoa) for alliance. Seems like a fun choice. Oh yeah Naga or SOME TYPE OF AQUATIC base race for the alliance.

Funny thing about Naga, if you go into the wow model viewer and put pants on the male Naga, it shows up as tail cuffs. Boots don’t show but would be nice for a tail tip.

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Firstly 100% hope San’layn becomes playable one day, but I agree covenants have no attachment to Azeroth, but isn’t the next expansion heading more towards Light/Void?.

Revendreth was invaded by the Light, if story further develops a reason they join as a Allied Race is a story of Vengeance, they solely can’t take on the Light themselves so ally up for a common cause type thing.

People already speculating a Void Lord is behind all of Shadowlands problems, the time for covenants to get pay back. Guess in two years we will find out!

Who knows though with how Blizzard is writing, everything is up in the air :man_shrugging:t4:.

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Have you seen someone’s mockup of what the females could look like? Looked great.

As for races I’d like to see, most are gonna be the same popular ones that should already be options.

Vrykul/Ogres, progenitors of the main races.
Broken/Mok’nathal, survivors of broken worlds
Kaldorei Worgen/Satyr, enemies from the War of the Satyr

I’d love to see Naga or the Naz’dorei/werenaga concept from mmo-champ.
Properly done Wildhammer and High Elves
San’layn for sure.

Even some of the covenant races are growing on me.
Ascended Kyrian would be a neat option.

I’m open to just about anything. The more options the better.

I’d prefer San’layn but both would be even better. We need all the elf variants covered as well! It’s fantasy, tons of elves is an important aspect :stuck_out_tongue:

Also considering we don’t know how many are in each group as their numbers are from the entire cosmos. There could be more Kyrian than the populations of 5 Azeroths.

The males in BFA had the hip plates for the plate armor pants as well. Boots are the only thing that might not appear, and they could easily do it as a metal band on the end of the tail like my draenei got wearing the plate alliance warfront armor.

Enabling more racial options for demon hunter would be great as well.
Broken, Orcs (Fel orc visuals), Draenei (man’ari visuals) and others would be great as well.


I need that so badly! They have a half finished female model that’s half of a female tauren untextured and shrunk.


I am incredibly upset that Broken draenei wasn’t the race we got and lightforged was customisation options which fits the lore better anyways. Also still makes negative sense that you can’t be a lightforged monk… draenei had monks for pandas did. There are lightforged monk npcs…


That looks amazing, I would 100% play that.


Vyrkul for Alliance, Ogre for Horde!!

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No way. Murlocs are like blizzards little mascots. They have so much personality and charm. Nagas are not very original in the grand scheme of things.

Nice list.

I’d be happy being able to play as a High Elf Paladin on Alliance and Man’ari Warlock on Horde.


I would like only 2 and those are:

  • Furbolgs
  • Oggres
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Give me Gnolls or give me death.
They can even be like Pandas where they be on either side.
According to what we know of them, they’re VERY easy to hire, which is why you see them with groups like the Venture Co.


Okay, this seems very fun too

I hope they add more races to the ‘neutral’ category like Pandaren, being able to choose what faction they want. Vrykul, Ogres, & the Broken Draenei (should’ve been it instead of Lightforged. Yuck.)

I honestly wouldn’t mind seeing Lightforged move towards the neutral section and having it allow multiple races to become lightforged, still all having the Lightforged class options, but whichever race you picked as Lightforged, would still apply to original faction. So more as a crossfaction racial customization option but it still limits available classes.

Story could be something about the Draenei prepping for battle against the void so start swelling the ranks of the Army of Light with members from other races.

Could even do the same thing with Void.

Should all be options by now though.

I know it’s goofy but I would love to be a gnoll or a murloc.


Only you don’t play as a singular murloc. You play as a murloc swarm!!!

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