What PLAYABLE race do you want Blizzard to add


I’ve been wanting to play them so much I even RP my Void Elf as one.

Well, elves are just trolls who got uppity!


I want my vampire.


I think if they keep with the theme of “cosmic realms” we may very well see K’aresh as one of the zones, or maybe the entire xpac for the “Void Expansion”

Somebody even made an entire fan-canon expansion called “Twofold” light where K’aresh is the main focus. Go check it out, really gets me excited for how they could do Ethereals some day.

For godsake just give me a reptilian race in WoW.

Naga, Sethrak, Saurok, Drakonids, hell even actual friggin’ Dragons (I could see them being a Hero Class with a human form and dragon form, that’d be kinda rad actually).

I guess fish people would half-count if you did Murlocs or Jinyu but I’d rather have a lizardboi/snakeboi. I love races like Argonians, Iksar, Sarnak, etc. but WoW never scratched that itch.

Edit: And at this point I don’t even care which faction it is.


Otters… I want playable otters.

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Broken draenei are way overdue.


The one and only true possible new races are as follows.

Allied Races:

Horde: Redeemed Forsaken

Alliance: Something with the worgen rig to balance out the Vulpera. Perhaps a dragonoid race from the dragon isles that were shipwrecked alliance soldiers.

Core Races:

Alliance: Arrakoa

Horde: Orgers

Neutral Races:



Venthyr. I’ve wanted them since I saw the first leaked pictures of Shadowlands

I mostly want them because they’re undead, but with the poise and the discrimination of an aristocrat. Very haughty and snooty.

They’re also not rotten corpses which is appealing. They don’t hunch, and they don’t whine about being dead all the time

The vampire theme is also very cool. Their clothing, style, and overall theme is very very cool.

Can you imagine a Venthyr heritage armor? :weary: It would be amazing

So yeah, I just want Venthyr


Satyr would be awesome.


I want vrykul if you reject naga.


Naga, Arakkoa(both kinds would be nice), Ogres, San’layn, Sethrak, Ethereals, Mogu, Krokul, Vrykul, Forest trolls, Taunka, and maybe Hozen for the lols.

I’d be real happy with just the Arakkoa though, I just want to have a bird, with a bird, flying on a bird, it’d be great. Venthyr would be cool too, I like the way they look.

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Crab people.


Alliance: Night Fae Fauns and Saberons
Horde: Venthyrs and Vrykuls

That’s a funny way to spell sethrak considering they use worgen rig.

Anything that isn’t a reskin. You know, Ogres, Vrykul, Sethrak…

Lordaeron humans, basically the exact same as Stormwind humans but you start in Undercity and die immediately to the plague.

Kyrian. Aspirant or Ascended I don’t care.

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Arrakoa 10 char

Horde: Saberon
Alliance: Lightforged Undead

You may question why specifically Saberon and LF Undead of all possible races, but the simple answer is that Worgen and Undead are the only 2 races who don’t have an allied race which shares their skeleton.

Saberon and LF Undead would bring the race’s skeletons and animations over to the other faction like nightborne and void elves did.

Saberon are already living in the Barrens thanks to the Mag’har recruitment scenario pulling them out of their timeline, and the LF undead would easily be explained as undead who defected from the Horde after Sylvanas left them.

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