What new races do you guys want?

I want to play a Nerubian. A race of giant hairy spiders.

Imagine one hopping towards you.

Or flying right towards your face on a mount.

Pure amazing.


No, really. They approached the Night Elves first, but Tyrande was basically “You’re not nature-loving hippies like we are so f*ck off.” Then the Blood Elves came to them, and said, “Yeah, they’ve been like that ever since the Sundering. But hey, we know a thing or two about getting over magical addiction, and are happy to help y’all.”


There are times when I’m sitting here, wondering if I made the right choice to switch from being a Blood Elf to a Human. Then something like that happens and I realize I did not.


Well, if we’re talking about humans, then you know the Defias Brotherhood? Those guys you butchered in Elwynd and Westfall? Yeah, they were the good guys, trying to get paid after the king of stormwind got them to rebuild Stormwind, and then pulled a Trump on them and refused to pay what he owed.

While not the brightest thing they could have done, it’s not quite on par with Tyrande being a twit and losing us an entire race of Elves who are incredibly skilled with magic. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I wish we could do away with Night Elves as a whole.

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But they’d have to be a mutated naga species that out of the water they get two legs.


Arakhoa. Or naga, Taunka.

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San’layn (I’ll say it if I damn well please)
Chaos/fel orcs.


I’d like them to never make another race again unless it has a completely different skeleton and isn’t a variation of what we have now but in a different colour tint

Thanks for asking

Well, in terms of losing races, you have racist humans who drove the High Elves from the Alliance, and then tried to execute Kael’thas for treason because he made a deal with the naga to protect his people. And after Arthas stomped through Quel’thalas, the Blood Elves looked to the Alliance, and all they got was “New phone, who dis?” So, when Sylvanas approached them, they went with the Horde.

And then you have gnomes. Little menaces are as bad as toddlers. Never let them in sight of anything that can possibly blow up, or be made to blow up. The only thing they’re good for is punting.

Really, of all the Alliance races, the Dwarves are the only worthwhile ones. They’re too busy getting drunk to cause problems.

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New race: Steam-bot

The only one I’m dying to play is a Saberon.
Anything else is just extra that would be neat to play.

I have zero interest in ogres, murloc or naga, but I would never say never about playing them if they were made, lol

Just give me Saberon and I’d be super happy.

Oh, and some kind of race that can fly with their own wings or on their own power without changing their form or using a mount. Crossing my mental fingers for Shadowland races/allied races with this ability, although I don’t expect it.

To be fair, Naga are nothing but bad news and as it turns out, Kael’thas was a bad pickle himself. I will say that most of what happened with the Blood Elves is because of Garithos being a dunce as well. However, unlike Tyrande, he did get his comeuppance. It makes me wonder how different this game would be if Blood Elves had joined the Alliance instead of the Horde.


You’re confusing Gnomes with Goblins; Goblins blow everything up–including themselves. Besides, short ladies are the best ladies so no punting.

Is that not a problem in itself? Of all our races, we Humans are the only ones worth a damn in a war. Night Elves are too busy crying over their stupid tree, Dwarves are too drunk to do anything but fall over, Gnomes are too busy trying to replace all their bits with metal now, Worgen are only good at giving people fleas, and Draenei suck so much they had to fly through space to get help from us.

Tuskar Alliance, Tortollan horde.

Half Elves.


Basically anything but more elves. Elf/other race customization for existing races? Sure.
If I had to pick a race though Tortollan as a neutral race would be interesting.

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Eredar and a permanent Druid of Flame Skin for night elves perhaps for the horde side similar to Alliance void elves. Of course, Ogres should always be on the Horde side from day one and you can play them in the private server version.

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Kael’thas turned bad because he was betrayed by racist humans, and, when his people were slaughtered by a crazy human that went and poisoned the font of magical energy his people were dependent on, Illidan offered him another plan, a different way to get the energy they needed. So he went bad because he was trying to save his people from the mess humans inflicted on them.

Yeah, I’ve seen the gnome areas. The difference between gnomes and goblins is that Goblins blow things up on purpose. Gnomes do it because they get carried away with experiments, and suddenly their city is an irradiated wasteland that takes longer to clean up than old god energy literally destroying half a zone.

Are you honestly going to sit there and tell me that Azeroth’s problems would be substantially reduced if the Alliance races acted more like the dwarves? It wasn’t dwarves that brought the Burning Legion to Azeroth. It wasn’t dwarves that broke the continents apart. It wasn’t dwarves that brought the orcs to Azeroth. It wasn’t dwarves who started playing with necromantic cults. Face it, if the Alliance were more like Dwarves, Azeroth would have had far fewer problems over the years.

Id love saberon as ar myself.

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Any new race introduced could start off as neutral, then choose a side. BUT - I do like your idea of a 3rd/4th rival race - better.