What new classes/specs can you come up with?

Off the top of my head:

  • Bard
  • Tinker
  • Ranger
  • Battlemage
  • Cleric
  • Necromancer
  • Shadowknight
  • Brawler
  • Berserker

What else does everyone have to offer up?

Snake Druid - medium ranged druid spec where you transform into a cobra and deal poison damage while having burrowing abilities for self defense


Completely different classes!

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That’s just MM hunter. You could do spellbow that would be different enough and would have hunters using mana.

Already in game

That one too

Already in game

Already in game

Already in game


Someone played EQ2 huh?

Ain’t gonna lie. It would be almost impossible to implement in wow, but I would like to have an eq enchanter in Wow.

Priests does have a ghetto eq enchanter spell but still


  • Deletionist (DPS)
  • Nerfmancer (DPS)
  • Botporter (Healer)

Pugilist : Strength and plate based melee brawler, kinda like monk but better.

I made full specs for all of these way back in Legion to try to provide cool ideas for blizzard to work with. Each had backstories, and full talent/ability layouts.

Archangel - Priest tank spec
Time Master - Mage time-based healing spec
Dark Apotheosis - Warlock demon tank spec
Reaper - Glaive throwing Demon Hunter
Yujian - Monk bow dps spec
Trickster - Rogue dagger throwing ranged spec
Sentinel - Windrunner themed, magic based hunter ranged spec similar to old survival
Earth Warden - Shaman tank spec
Gladiator - Warrior shield dps spec
Soul Eater - Death Knight dps spec
Lightbearer - Shockadin

Ironically, my favorite one that I recommended, was:

Dragonbloods - Tank/Healer/DPS dragon themed class built around the aspects.

The story is dated, but I loved writing this. Maybe you all will enjoy. I truly wish they had done something bettter than Evokers, and given us real dragons that actually felt like the lore built up to it… but hey, we got what we got…

With the Army of Light assaulting Antorus, all eyes were focused on the battle against Sargeras. All eyes except Chromie. The bronze dragon gnome had her fair share of the recent adventures of Azeroth’s heroes. With their help, she had corrected the timeline to ensure her survival, and since then Chromie had been busy attempting to discover who was trying to remove her from the timeline. Whoever the culprit was, she was unable to discover, however she found pockets of dark energy attempting to take hold all over Azeroth. The heroes of the world did their best to contain them, but their attention was pulled towards Argus.

Delving into visions of the future, she watched the adventures of the heroes of Azeroth and found them falling into chaos and war, allowing dark shadows to creep from below them, and overtake them while they fought amongst each other. She sought out Nozdormu to tell him what she found, and found him atop Wyrmrest Temple in Northrend. He was conferring with Alexstrasza and Kalecgos about the prospect of a world without Sargeras’ interference.

Chromie approached the three former Aspects and relayed what she had seen. Alexstrasza and Kalecgos politely listened, but did not appear to believe her. Nozdormu told her that the Hour of Twilight was averted, and any evil she saw must be stopped by the mortals of Azeroth. The dragons, he explained, had done what they can. She backed off and the three resumed their discussion. Lord Itharius approached from the side and told her that if she truly believed what she saw, then it is a dragon’s duty to protect the world of the living, even if she had to do it alone.

Chromie teleported to Dalaran to find help in her quest. A young hero was preparing to make the trip to Argus and Chromie overheard him speak of the Titans. The Titans had made the Dragon Aspects originally, and if Chromie could persuade them to do it again, they would have the power to help her. The gnome shrunk down to the size of a pea and sequestered herself into the hero’s pack. Traveling to Argus was strange, her powers felt greatly diminished being off Azeroth, however what she found on Argus was terrible. The Titans had been attacked, weakened, and subverted by the Legion. Chromie tried to help where she could, assisting the heroes who had come to fight by giving them just enough time to survive the assaults of the demons. The Army of the Light, with the heros of Azeroth joining them, took the fight directly to Antorus. The heroes fought bravely and pushed all the way to a fight with the corrupted titan soul, Argus the Unmaker. The Army of the Light was victorious and the Titans were restored to reconstitute the Pantheon. The Titans greeted the heroes of Azeroth and together captured and imprisoned their fallen brother Sargeras. Once the heroes had been sent back to Azeroth by the Titans, Chromie snuck out of the corner she had hid herself in and approached the Pantheon. She approached the huge Titans cautiously, tempted to shift into her dragon form for a bit more height, but stopped and shivered when she saw the demon hunter look at her and smile before she addressed Aman’Thul.

Explaining that while the Burning Legion may no longer threaten Azeroth, there were still greater enemies to face, she argued before the Titans that the guardians they entrusted the world with were still needed. The Titans were swayed by Chromie’s pleas and agreed that stewardship of Azeroth was still needed as so many forces were intent on corrupting its world-soul. Aman’Thul, Eonar, and Norgannon offered their blessing for creating a new dragonflight, but explained to the gnome that while their power may assist her, the war with Sargeras had depleted their strength and it would take more than the Titans before her to return the Dragonflights. Khaz’goroth stepped forward and looked at Chromie as he considered her plea.

“What of Neltharion, or have you so quickly forgotten? Would you have me create another tool to be subverted and turned on the world as a monster? Have you not learned from history little bronze dragon?”

Chromie explained that the protector of the earth, the one who would be most tempted to listen to the whispers of the deep, would have to be one who was not OF the deep, but rather a protector of the earth who was a part of world and would fight for it because it mattered to them. The Titan considered carefully the wise words, and grants his blessing.

“Good luck young dragon. If you wish to return the Dragonflights to their full power, you will need one more Titan’s blessing and power. That of Azeroth herself,” Aman’Thul said as the Pantheon returned to their resting state, to drift with their reclaimed brother through the cosmos.

“You truly believe Azeroth needs defenders greater than the mortals who have succeeded against this dark Titan?” Illidan asked of the gnome. “You think dragons can do what these heroes cannot?”

Chromie looked at the demon hunter, whose eyes still glowed with a fel light. “Illidan, the mortals you speak of are great indeed. However the power that I see coming is that which frightened your dark Titan so greatly that he began his crusade. I seek to restore the Aspects not to combat the darkness to come, but to give those very same mortals guidance and inspiration to steel their spines in the face of their greatest battles. The Aspects are needed to show the forces of man what they can do, what they can be, if only they try. You stay and guard your Titan. I must go, for Azeroth still needs those willing to see that she stays protected from all that would control her.”

Determination renewed, Chromie set off to find help. Teleporting back Dalaran, she finds that time has not been her ally. Her time with the Titans felt like only minutes, yet by the time she returns to Azeroth the world is at war. Alliance and Horde have sailed to new lands and found allies that has sparked the conflict she saw in her visions. The world-soul bleeds power and shadowy monsters grow in number and strength. The heroes of Azeroth, so honorable while on Argus, have splintered and committed atrocities against each other. Knowing she needs the power of the Titan whose blood is being stolen and used for selfish reasons, Chromie goes in search of a hero to help her turn the tide back against this war and help save all of Azeroth’s children.

The hero she finds embarks with her on a journey to all over Azeroth, seeking dragon scales from some of the most powerful dragons they can find. They travel to the Ruby Sanctum, Coldarra, Feralas, Twilight Highlands, and even to the Caverns of Time seeking the scales Chromie believes they need. These scales, empowered by Azerite and the blessings of the Titans, become powerful relics that Chromie believes can be used to restore the Dragonflights. With the world at war and the tides turning against the forces of Azeroth, Chromie reaches out to leaders on the Horde and on the Alliance, pleaing for unity before the coming darkness. The might of Azeroth is thrown into the fight against N’zoth as Chromie tries to complete her goal. The dragon scales are empowered, but the last part requires sacrifice. Taking the hero who has helped her, Chromie heads for Silithus and enters the Chamber of Heart. Inside the chamber, Magni assists her in communicating with Azeroth’s world-soul.

Chromie lays bare the quest she has undertaken and explains her need of of the power of the Titan. Magni tells Chromie and the hero that Azeroth is troubled by what Chromie sees, but can only give the power to someone willing to truly sacrifice power in return. The hero steps forward and removes the Heart of Azeroth, offering the power Azeroth has bestowed upon its champion as a gesture of faith. Magni chuckles and tells the hero to keep their necklace, that Azeroth is pleased that brave souls will step forward to defend it. Azeroth blesses the scales and teleports Chromie and the hero away from Silithus.

Magni stays behind, sighing, “I only ‘ope they’ll be nough to fight what’s comin’.”

The gnome and the hero step out of a portal at the foot of Wyrmrest Temple. On Chromie’s instruction, a young bronze dragon standing guard at the temple rushes away to deliver 2 messages. Chromie steals herself and transforms into a bronze drake, flying herself and the hero to the top of the temple. There they find two of the former dragons waiting for them. Alexstrasza and Nozdormu listen as Chromie explains that the Titans agreed to restore the Aspects in order to protect the world of life and all that came after to prepare for this event. Alexstrasza calls out and a blue portal appears, with Kalecgos stepping through it. After hearing her story, Alexstrasza agrees she they will accept the gift of the Titans once again, but Nozdormu and Kalecgos state that they cannot. They have seen what can happen to the soul of an Aspect when it becomes corrupted, both in their brother Neltharion, and in Nozdormu himself at the end of time. They bid Alexstrasza farewell, but say they cannot bear the weight of the Titan’s power any longer. They vanish into thin air, rejecting the gift and the burden.

Alexstrasza is dismayed that her brothers will not join her in defending their world, but Chromie is not phased. Her visions had told her that Kalecgos would not accept and she had prepared for it. She approaches Lord Itharius and tells him that he has been a loyal servant to Azeroth and should become the Green Dragon Aspect. He bows his head in thanks and accepts the scale. “The Emerald Dream needs protection more than ever,” he says. “At least I do feel the need for a nap coming on.” He goes to stand beside Alexstrasza.

Chromie looks at the dragons and says, “I have made arrangements for guests to arrive shortly. Please welcome them as though they were family.” Chromie turns as a blue portal appears, and a woman steps through. White-blonde hair hanging down her back and icy blue eyes surveying the assembled, Jaina Proudmoore steps before the dragons. She looks to Alexstrasza and says, “Dragons, I received word that my presence was needed here immediately for the safety of all Azeroth. My people need me, and so I may not have much time, but I have come as called. What do you need of me?”

Alexstrasza smiles, “Mage, it is not I who called you, but rather Chronormu.” The gnome rocks back on her feet as the leader of the Alliance turns to her, “Jaina! Glad you made it. See, the thing is, the Alliance can get by without you for a time. While you have been on your quest to defeat the Horde, the Tide Mother, and the N’zoth himself, the shadows have been gathering and strengthening from your actions. You are needed for a higher calling than simply directing a war campaign. You my dear, need to be our new Aspect of Magic.”

Jaina is nearly too stunned to speak. “Become an… Aspect? You mean become a dragon?”

Chromie nods, “Well, yes. You are the greatest mage in the entirety of Azeroth, and we need your help if there is to be a world left for the Alliance and Horde to fight over.”

The mage stands stunned, unable to find words to speak of the work she is doing for the Alliance, unable to speak of her vengeance and her family. She nods to the gnome and feels Alexstrasza’s arms embrace her. “Sister, you will make a wonderful Aspect. Let go of the rage inside of you and open your mind to the good you can do for all the beings of this world.” Alexstrasza looks away from the awestruck mage and asks, “Chronormu, I fear our brothers may not see the error of their ways in time, but this young woman will make a fine Aspect. I admit to feeling trepidation about which black dragon you intend to give that scale to. The black dragonflight is scattered, and it may be difficult finding a leader among them who will work for the good of Azeroth.”

Chromie smiles impishly, “Actually Lexy, can I call you Lexy? I’m going to call you Lexy. I already had someone in mind. It’s a bit out of the box, but I think he will make a fine Aspect.” An bronze-colored portal appears at the base of the steps to their platform, and the dragons watch as the young dragon who had been sent off by Chromie came through behind a new guest. Stepping up before the dragons, and pushing back the cape covering his head, Thrall nods to each of the assembled dragons, and to Jaina.

Alexstrasza looks amazed, and pleased. “Thrall of Azeroth, it is good to see you once more. Your strength and nobility have inspired your people, and the fall of the Burning Legion and soon Old Gods is a fine time for a reunion.”

Thrall glances at Chromie, but addresses the red. “Alexstrasza, it warms my heart to see the guardians of Azeroth once again taking up the mantle of protecting this world. I have been told of the coming darkness and I fear it is a danger I have worried about since the fall of your mad brother. I may no longer lead the Horde, however my mace and my powers will always be ready to defend this world.”

Chromie steps between the assembled, “Thrall, the Titans have agreed that the Dragon Aspects will be needed for the coming fight, and they need an Earth-Warder who is true enough to resist the temptations of power offered through corruption. I could think of no better candidate than you. I spoke with Khaz’goroth the Titan and he blessed this black scale himself. He told me that it would create a powerful Black Dragon Aspect.” She smiles and bobs back and forth. “He did not, however, say the owner had to be a black dragon!”

Amazed, Thrall gazes at the dragon scale Chromie holds out to him. He looks at the other dragons and sees approval and pride on their faces. He thinks of his family, his home, and his people. He would never let them be swallowed by the Void if he could protect them. He looks at Jaina, seeing her holding a blue scale that pulses with a power like his own. She nods at him, determination overcoming the fear and worry she still feels. “I accept. Let us fight this enemy together.”

Grasping the scale, Thrall begins to shake, a roar coming from deep within his throat. His body grows larger, and great black horns grow from his brow. Shiny black wings sprout from his shoulder blades and he flexes them straight out. Standing back up, he is still a green orc, but with the dragon aspect in him, he can feel the power of a Titan flow through his veins. Alexstrasza says, “Brother, you will learn to control your powers soon, and walk amongst the mortals in your old guise, but now it is good to have you with us. We will need your strength in the coming days.”

Jaina steps forward, and in a storm of Arcane and Frost magic, is blessed with the Aspect of Magic. Blue wings appear behind her, ephemeral, as though they were made of pure magic. Power swirls around her body and shines in her eyes. The new Aspects step forward, to be embraced by the dragons and join them.

Turning to Chromie, Itharius says, “As for you little bronze, your persistence and faith have brought us here, and I think it only fitting that those qualities be put to good use. I nominate Chronormu to be the new Bronze Aspect of Time. She has shown that she is truly dedicated to preserving both time and the fate of Azeroth. In a time when souls of strength and determination are needed, she will fight for us and our world. Chronormu, you have been chosen, will you be the Bronze Aspect?”

Chromie looks at the assembled dragons and finally loses her quick wit. “Thank you. I accept.” The power of the scales infuse each of them as it had Thrall and Jaina, returning their immortality and powers to that of true Dragon Aspects. Transforming into their full forms, Alexstrasza and Itharius take off into the sky to proclaim to the dragon flights that a new day has come, and that the dragons of Azeroth will fly once again. The Bronze Aspect stands on the platform, feeling the power of time course through her veins, and looks at Jaina and Thrall.

“You two will need to be the link between the champions of Azeroth and the Dragon Aspects. Learn your powers so that you may teach other brave heroes to join the dragon flights. We are going to need every brave pair of wings we can find in the coming days.”

The Aspects of Magic and Earth transform into their full forms, powerful dragons ready to protect Azeroth from the coming night. They will teach a new breed of heroes to become something greater, something powerful, something noble… they will teach them to be Dragons.

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Illusionist (mage spec)

Creates mirror images (as a resource) and explodes them for different effects.

(it’s basically mesmer from GW2, and i wish we had that here, because i love it)

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I’d add:

  • Cop
  • Native American
  • GI
  • Biker
  • Construction Worker
  • Cowboy

The starting zone would be a YMCA.

Wields a 1 hander and a shield. Two specs:
Spellbreaker (tank)
Spellblade (dps)

a 3rd spec for DH’s would be nice

If you’re interested in playing Priest Tank, it is a thing in SoD:

Alot of the stuff I thought up showed up in SoD… we can only hope they are testing stuff they might put into retail.

That’s what I play, of sorts. SMF Fury Warrior really scratches that itch.




Death Knight.


Fury Warrior.