What MUST be the next class after BFA

No more melee for a while. No more leather either. Probably won’t even see a new class next xpack.

I am not arguing with your logic here. I think there is evidence that makes sense to point towards tinker. However, the next class is for the next xpac. And all this mecha gnome/tinker stuff is for the current xpac. Whatever class comes out next will be along the same theme as the next expansion.

The DPS spec should really be ranged, we’ve had enough melee newcomers, it’s time for something new for us casters.

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yeah no


Gnome / Goblin only. Those races need love.


tinker hunter with mechanical pets and engineering,necromancer=demo lock.

we need something new.

Literally no one thinks of a hunter with a mechanical pet as a tinker.

They think of mech suits and tanks.

Tell me how that’s not new.

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Whatever new class needs to be available to some of the new races and will most likely start at lvl 1. Blizzard needs to sell character boosters somehow.

so you just want to run around in a mech suit or somthing? if you want a tinker class that has pets its just a gnome hunter with mechanical pets and engineering.

I think of that as well as Torb from OW, Engineer from TF/TF2, and designed toward Gnomes/Goblins not Dwarves. I also see it as a class with a tanking spec.

Use of a spring and a bomb does not a tinker make.

pet class with gadgets and mechanical pets we have that its just not called a tinker class.

why would a tinker use mechanical pets? The only past use of this is the wind up goblin bombs in WC(3?).

I don’t really care what the next class is, as long as class design isn’t as awful and simplified as it is in BfA.

We need more buttons! We need more class mechanics! Literally anything than the oversimplified crapshoot we have that they call “class design” that we have now.

we already have a spec with bombs and traps its called a suv hunter.

Tinker would have a mech suit like Gelbin and Gazlowe. Accept no substitutes.

And turrets.

engineering there you go we dont have a 2hd cloth class that tanks

Meh, buttons are there but the use of those buttons are not for most classes. They need to make the combinations feel more fluent. I never ever want to experience Havoc/Beast cleave rotation again just feels bad.

Tinker Requirements: Tank Spec, Mail Armor, Gnome/Goblin Only, and Pets. I will be sold.

Oh snap you can fight in a tank suit?

Show me.

but those things are hardly all that would make a tinker.