What mount do you want?

Id SO piggyback on a kul tiran.

But does it work on water?


Iā€™m with you on this one and it should be an engineering made item with the dragonflight flying ability.

ive never heard it called this. wow, cannot ā€˜unhearā€™ it, thanks

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ANTS. We need ants!

The only two I never got.

  1. Mimironā€™s head
  2. Orange Kitty Mount in ZG

A Lamborghini.

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For some reason the image of a sheep with wheels popped into my head.

ā€¦And now I want it.

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I got all the mounts i wanted, i need like 29 more mounts for the 500

A Brutosaur. Doesnā€™t even need to be the caravan version with the NPCs. Can even be a recolor. I just want a cool brontosaurus mount.


A permanent version of the anti-gravity pack from Mechagon Isle.


The only correct answer to this is to keep the duck mount from the PvP world quest, ā€œQuacks and Attacks.ā€

Those dodgy long leg things in Zeralak caverns

An actual snake with no legs or wings

A centipede


Kangaroos and basically every Australian animal

Wings or floating like the covenants in SL

A carriage like in Revendreth

A big Pepe mount

But definitely NO MORE RAYS


Off-topic, but I havenā€™t heard that song in years. Iā€™ll have it rattling around in my head for a whileā€¦ There are worse things that could happen.

Roller skates would be a fun mount, though.

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Didnā€™t we have one of these threads in the past month or soā€¦ Anyways Iā€™ll just repeat my reply from there to here: a nine-tailed fox that doesnā€™t magically gain wings in order to fly.

The bird mount from TBC auchendun

And the Baron Rivendare mount

A Toyota Tacoma

The Soaring Spelltome from the Mage Tower. Just need 2 more challenges :smiley:

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A parrot for my Goblin

I just wanna T-Pose then swoos around at mount speeds including dragon riding

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More five person mounts that fly.