Only problem is they need to address the auto attack problem now, because the enchants so far for melee are based on auto swings.
Itâs not just the loss of auto attack, itâs also a lower number of casts in general and additionally the lack (or poor performance of) haste.
Blizzard would either need to buff WW baseline further, fix WW mechanically in relation to those 3 things, or simply give WW a luck buff (you have celestial fortune and all beneficial proccing effects occur 25% more often as an example).
Would be interesting to see a sim of 5.4 style WW in the current game.
Again, feel like everyone including myself is just sounding like a broken record, a long-a*s channelling ability for a fast-paced melee fighter is just a BAD design. When it stunned, it was borderline acceptable.
My idea for fof would be to just instantly activate 10 wpn swings or something.
My Monk, technically my âmainâ. - Sixmeridian.
Yeah, if Blade Dance, Rampage, Killing Spree and Ashamaneâs Fury or whatever itâs called are so nifty, not sure why FoF is stuck with such an outdated and dumb format. Whatâs even funnier is they even try to stick it to Survival Hunters in Legion. LAZY.
Monks were supposed to be this mobile, action-oriented class. Then Demon Hunters were born and Monks pale in every comparison.
Itâs a bloated class with two hard resource systems (chi and energy) and other soft systems (like combo strikes) and too many key binds and youâre always pacing yourself based on resources and cooldowns that donât feel like they line up.
Itâs like night and day difference in terms of fun when I play a Monk vs. a Demon Hunter.
I will never forgive Blizz for letting Demon Hunters rip off our chi spheres feature. Man, that hurt, especially when it gives DHâs resource, MORE health and special bonus like reduce CD on Eye Beam THUS giving more demonic. Also, they also have a talent that lets the âspheresâ pop when using a major spender. Balls crazy.
I also think the combo system is too shallow.
Edit: re: Afterlife⌠Completely! They nerfed ours immediately when DH came out, where it was almost useless! Itâs since buffed back to a comfortable middle-ground, but talk about a slap to the face!
It shows you it doesnât take more âbuttonsâ to design an intuitive class. It just lends to ability bloat when things arenât interacting with each other. A lot of the appeal for DH is that everything can find a bonus to another even without extensive gearing. This makes things more satisfying on a baseline level. Granted, most of the fun stuff is migrated from tier set bonuses and legendaries.
I donât hate Demon Hunters as a general principle, but I do hate Blizzard not doing enough to capitalize on this interactive design and apply it to other classes, like my Monk!
This is subjective.
Whatâs funny is and a lot of people donât understand we havenât actually changed much at the core rotation compared to mop, actually only evolved from that style
To play optimally back in MoP you didnât over blackout kick and you didnât really do too much spamming abilities.
In Mop we had way more to keep track of than we do now, this system is infinitely easier.
Pretty much this.
Keeping track of tigerpalm buff, Teb stacks, chi brew, rsk debuff was a lot like spinning plates. Now itâs significantly easier.
I mean, youâre stripping out my context. I was comparing to Demon Hunters, you know, the other mobile, action-based leather wearing class. Compared to them, monks are absolutely all of those things, itâs not really opinion: monks have way more abilities, they have more hard and soft resource systems to manage, and they have more time spent managing (i.e., waiting for) cooldown timers on abilities.
Dh compared to anyone is really dumb, the class is built for the lowest skill floor in the game and it starts at 98(? I donât actually remember).
This was for ease of access.
This is very much an opinion, because we have actually lost complexity and I honestly donât like it.
Thatâs called complexity
DH is also a class with only 2 roles and 2 specs and it makes perfect sense they are simpler for those reasons alone.
The woes of monks is simply the way Blizzard wants it to be.
Is it fair? No.
Could monks have been better? Yes.
Will things improve? Doubtful.
The fact that all classes have had animations updated in Legion and now, two expansions after Legion there is still no new animations for monks basically says it all. Blizzard does not want to out the effort in.
Hell even enhancement shaman is getting more attention from Blizzard in SL than monks.
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