What makes the Horde better than Sylvanas? (rant)

Spying on me now?

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Fair point.

Also I can agree about the Arthas point you brought up.

That puts her ability on par with a death knight, hardly impressive

Hey how DKs are very impressive

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Her skeletons stay around.

so does a non PC death knights

see scourgelord tyrannus

Well, it’s true. Arthas was driven mad by the Legion, Nerzul, the souls of Frostmourne, as well as the fact Uther abandoned him as well as Jaina which would not have helped his condition at the time. The only person who stuck with Arthas till the end was Muradin because as we know, Dwarves are the true bros of WOW.

I don’t known how much of that was Tyrannus and how much of that was the Lich King, though.

That’s very true, and in the bs heart of darkness quest tirion goes. “There’s nothing but darkness in here, he is beyond redemption.” Paraphrasing here.

unfortunately, we dont have that many examples when it comes to death knights, especially non-scourge death knights

I believe Chris Metzen once said the Lich King was the most powerful thing on Azeroth at the time and could have easily killed us if so he wished. I choose the believe the only thing that stopped that was the last shred of Arthas’s humanity. Arthas was still in there somewhere as he kept all those mementos as well as the line “Father, is it over?” which to me always stood out as Arthas being thankful he was no longer being used, which if he was fully in control the entire time seems a might odd thing to say, it is to me at least.


I am of the opinion that the only reason we’d survived that long is because he needed us to become the most powerful champions azeroth had ever had, so he could harvest us as scourge.

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That’s one of the reasons but it was also stated the last shred of his humanity is what kept the scourge from outright wiping out all life from the get go.

There’s ome book or quest or something, I don’t remember where so I can’t cite it, where Bolvar comments that everyhing Arthas had done after putting on the crown was preparing for the Legion.

Then in some book, it talks about how Kil’jaeden is worried about the Scourge being a legitimate threat to the Legion.

Chronicles perhaps?

Could be that as well. Although, if the Lich King was able to kill us as easily as Chris Metzen suggested, seems weird he would need us, no? I dunno. Maybe he was lonely up there in ICC.

Lich King Arthas struck me as being a lot like Darth Vader. At the height of his power, Vader was basically a being almost completely consumed by rage, hate, and constant suffering. Underneath it all though was a small smidge of Anakin Skywalker.

In the end the whole “Trying to get Azeroth’s greatest heroes as Scourge” deal was subconsciously just trying to get someone to legit defeat the Lich King and free Arthas from his own self-prison.


There are way too many humans in here.

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I remember reading that as well, something to do with Kiljaeden being scared that Arthas would seize control of the powers of the Scourge and use them against the Legion, as Arthas was told about the Legion’s coming before anyone else if memory serves.