What makes the Horde better than Sylvanas? (rant)

The Horde as far as I am concerned are the Bojack Horseman of the Warcraft universe. A entity who has cause unforgivable mistakes, with a sympathetic background and a sliver of a potential for redemption.

Arthas voice never…

So, with that logic we can absolve Arthas of all wrong doing then seeing as he was also under the effects of the Legion, Ner’zul, the souls trapped in Frostmourne, etc?

Your acting as if the legion hadn’t actively coerced the orcs into believing the necessity of drinking demon blood, and I mean yah if he was acting without free will what choice did he have in his actions after frostmourne?

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The reason why the Legion targeted the Orcs in the first place is because Sargeras knew how power hungry and stupid the orcs were and are. They did not have to drink the Fel as I said, they could have refused and died honourably fighting the Legion. They chose not to and instead drank something they should have know would have serious repecussions. No one gives you that much power without a price.

Actually that’s inaccurate kiljaedan targeted them because he saw them as a potential tool in killing the Draenei.

Sargeras wasn’t involved in it and it took awhile for kiljaedan to push them along.

Those orcs aren’t absolved. They all carry the weight of their sins wherever they go and as Saurfang said for a lot of them it was too much to bare and they were lost to despair.

If the Draenei want to let bygones be bygones that’s their prerogative but it’s demonstrably clear many of those Orcs never thought they were worthy of forgiveness from anyone - least of all themselves.


Yes, and who orders Kiljaeden around? Sargeras. Sargeras had Orcs targeted spefically for the reason stated above. Orcs are stupid and power hungry, they made perfect slaves to his already near infinite army. When the Legion first came through to Azeroth during the War of the Ancients, he tried tempting everyone, Nelves, Highborne, etc, and they, instead of accepting his offer, fought and pushed the Legion back, conversely, the Orcs did not do that and accepted his offer without THINKING, which is what Sargeras and Kiljaeden expected them to do.

Well good. Because they should not be absolved from what they did, they should be forced to remember what they did until they die. Same as anyone else who would do something like they did.

Wat? /tencharacters

No you’re still factually incorrect, the whole series of events was due to Kiljaedans own personal obsession with the Draenei. And one the Draenei where found on draenor instead of letting them get a chance to flee because that’s what they did when kil showed up he meticulously began to work his magic of deception on the orcs (who had been relatively peaceful with the Draenei at the time) by taking the form of Nerzhuls dead mate and slowly telling him how the Draenei where evil.


Okay? Because that’s the situation so - glad you’re happy with the writing.

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Yes, and Sargeras would have been just as onboard with Kiljaeden’s plan to kill the Draenei that refused his offer and escaped to Draenor. He, like Kiljaeden saw how easily corruptible the Orcs were and used them to not only kill the Draenei but to also bolster his army. You are right when you say the whole Outland thing was Kiljaeden wanting revenge on the Draenei and especially Velen, but to think Sargeras had nothing to do with it? come on now.

Bruh. Like eveything gets corrupted by the Legion in this setting. The Draenei are the exception not the rule - and even most of their race turned into the Eredar.

The humans were corrupted with Medivh and later the Cult of the Damned. You’ve some weird hate hard on for the Orcs we get it. But either you’re trolling or never got around to reading most of the lore. Pretending the Orcs were somehow uniquely vulnerable to the manipulations of Space Satan when countless worlds fell to the Legion is asinine.


Being onboard for something and being the architect of the plan are two different things, kiljaedan and archimonde where given tons of leeway to pursue the legions goals. Was sargeras onboard? Sure I won’t deny that, it worked with his plan of corrupting the guardian medivh.

lol space Satan, I laugh everytime I see that but it’s true.

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It’s going to be him. I’ve been this way forever.

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Hey you don’t know how long I’ve been this way.

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I never said other races were not as susceptible to the Legion as Orcs were, but I am sick and tired of Orcs getting a free pass because they were under the effects of Fel and somehow that absolves them of what they did. Medivh is not even remotely the same case as the Orcs. Sargeras infected him in the womb. He was handicapped from the start, yet he still does not get a free pass, he still hates himself for opening the Dark Portal and the people who remember what he did still despise him for it, yet Orcs are absolved? Arthas as I mentioned is constantly brought up yet despite being driven mad by The Legion, Nerzul, and the souls of Frostmorne, he is considered a bad guy? where is his redemption arc or brush away line of “Oh, well, he was just under the effects of X and Y” no, he is treated like a villian while Blizzard expects everyone to forget Orcs gave themselves up willingly to the Legion for power and accept it.


Since 11/12/2019 at the earliest.

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