What makes the Horde better than Sylvanas? (rant)

Well lets take a second and where exactly does it state she dominated the will of those she raised and the battle of lord? those were only fallen horde soldiers she raised so they would keep fighting horde would they not?

She raised humans to

Hum… those are helfs… that are in your fation…

what is CT?
and why would the nelfs randomly start cutting tauren necks?

stratoholme? well that was legit one of the more morally gray moment than this game ever had, i think we need more stuff like that.

The forsaken initiated hostilities by killing garithos.

you right she did

I guess I don’t understand the confusion here. There are different types of undead. Ghouls and abominations for example have a limited amount of sentience. Any Death Knight worth their salt can command them.

But higher forms of undead - Lichs, Dark Rangers, The PC race, Death Knights- require significant power to command with necromancy. So far only a handful of supremely powerful masters of the grave arts have managed it.

Seeing as Windrunner is using a different form of magic (it’s not Shadow or Necromancy- I’ve a hard time believing no one could identify that) I don’t believe she’s the Lich Queen now. Her goals seem quite literally larger than life. Think we’re well beyond controlling a bunch of powerful undead here.

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Well according to her she’s just trying to set us free from this prison of a world. cringe

How’d killing a deranged bigot in Lordaeron start hostilities with Stormwind, exactly? Because I thought Stormwind killed the Forsaken’s diplomats.

They’re mindless undead. They’re still wandering aimlessly in Lordaeron - they’re just skeletons. They have no will of their own.


if we want to talk about forsakens being angry at the alliance then they started by killing what was supposed to be the leader of the alliance at time, correct?.

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Humans and Helfs, secondly we have blood elves a faction that split from the Helfs long before ZA happened

cause the NE home was devestated from the cata and the tauren offered sanctuary as they suffered minimal losses. NE wanted it for there own waited for tauren to fall asleep

No no strat but related, Sigel hill in the story rise of a king, the hand of justice wipe out multiple human settlements if the even sneezed out of fear of what happened in strat even though no proof was ever found to justify it

Please point to me where exactly it’s said that Garithros was recognized as the commander of the armies of Stormwind and Ironforge.

The Alliance of today and the Alliance of Lordaeron are two very separate political entities. The ladder of which had already about disintegrated by the time Garithros got what was coming to him.


The Helfs are technically still allowed within the walls of Silvermoon, and are allowed to make pilgrimages to the sunwell so they aren’t broken away from eachother truly.

True but no member of the BE was apart of the ZA assault or what happened durring it

True, Belfs are just waiting for their wayward brothers and sisters to return home.

And furthermore even if that was the case - which it definitively is not - Garithros decided to march up and tell the Forsaken, who are comprised overwhelmingly of Lordaeronians, to yield their city to his rule and vacate the premises. In what dimension is that not considered a hostility?

No, Belfs ARE helfs.
they just changed their name to honor their fallen brothers.

i think that maybe you are confusing nelfs with the TWhammer.

sounds fun, where i can find that story?

He was what was left of the chain of command after lordaeron was destroyed by arthas, therenas dead, calia and jaina fled and all the others nobles.

he was what was left of the alliance of lordaeron is safe to say that alliance died with him.
So in essence, the forsakens destroyed the alliance of lordaeron… or not?.

Now sure, garithos deserved to die,all what i am saying is that he was the last human commander of the alliance of lordaeron and the forsakens murdered him despite that he did nothing to them.

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no the twilight hammer were in full support of the cata is kinda there thing. Go back and do the quest “in our slumbering hour”

the book rise of a king, follows the events of supporting chars durring the time arthus became the lick king

She’s probably referencing the cycle and she’s doing all of this to get the jailer killed. kerrigan incoming.

Does not make me feel any better.

Oh, are we using the “They wuz under the effects of Fel, they didn’t know what they were doing, hurr durr” are we? nothing stopped the Orcs from refusing to drink Mannoroth’s blood, they could have refused, fought the Legion and died with honour and dignity but instead they drank because of the power promised and became slaves due to their power hungry natures.

One of ya’ll is going to have to change your mog this is confusing.


That’s what the writers are going with, and you asked if Saurfang ever felt bad for the other stuff. And the answer is yes, definitively.

Look I don’t care if you don’t play Horde, I don’t get too far with my Alliance characters. But don’t try to lecture players about lore they care about when you’re ignorant and dismissive of it.