What makes the Horde better than Sylvanas? (rant)

How though? both factions were at war this was just a strategic step cutting of resources. He drew the line at the burning of the tree as that was just not needed.

just like the alliance have done in ZA, CT, SH to name a few

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Eh the war of thorns did come out of left field after you know fighting the legion.

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what in the name of god are you talking about.

Not really the war was back to full swing after the failed assault on the broken shore its was only classes that factioned together hunters hall ect there was no truce people seem to forget that

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ZA - Alliance storm in wiping out an entire troll village cause easier trade routes but didnt just kill them they tortured them, dismembered them and cut out there eyes for funsies.

CT - Tauren offer safty to the Night elves after the cataclysm cause they have room to share, night elves wait for tauren to fall asleep and slight there necks

SH - The Hand of justice (paladin team) slaughter an entire town cause they might be sick better kill em to be safe

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Which ones SH?

Sigel hill, was in the story rise of a king, after arthus culled strat the hand of justice got super parinoid and starting killing everyone is any village who even sneezed

I mean can’t blame them for that paranoia when there was a plague literally turning people into undead monstrosities, and a cult that was imbedded within these villages.

(Edit) also strath was necessary.


I mean she literally was raising all who died in lordaeron during the siege of lordaeron…

Not saying it wasnt I agree it was. The point im making is the we are always the good guys and never do anything wrong stance the alliance is well just wrong and to call the horde evil is the pot calling the kettle black

Garrosh Hellscream says: Do not speak to me of consequences, old one.
High Overlord Saurfang says: I drank of the same blood your father did, Garrosh. Mannoroth’s cursed venom pumped through my veins as well.
High Overlord Saurfang says: I drove my weapons into the bodies and minds of my enemies.
High Overlord Saurfang says: And while Grom died a glorious death - freeing us all from the blood curse- he could not wipe away the terrible memory of our past.
High Overlord Saurfang says: His act could not erase the horrors we committed.
High Overlord Saurfang pauses.
High Overlord Saurfang says: The winter after the curse was lifted, hundreds of veteran orcs like me were lost to despair.
High Overlord Saurfang says: Our minds were finally free, yes… Free to relive all of the unthinkable acts that we had performed under the Legion’s influence.
High Overlord Saurfang nods.
High Overlord Saurfang says: I think it was the sounds of the Draenei children that unnerved most of them… You never forget…
High Overlord Saurfang says: Have you ever been to Jaggedswins Farm? When the swine are of age for the slaughter… It’s that sound. The sound of the swine being killed… It resonates the loudest. Those are hard times for us older veterans.
Garrosh Hellscream says: But surely you cannot think that those children were born into innocence? They would have grown up and taken arms against us!
High Overlord Saurfang shakes his head.
High Overlord Saurfang says: I am not speaking solely of the children of our enemies…
High Overlord Saurfang pauses.
High Overlord Saurfang says: I won’t let you take us down that dark path again, young Hellscream. I’ll kill you myself before that day comes…
Saurfang turns away and looks at the map instead.
Garrosh Hellscream says: How have you managed to survive for so long, Saurfang? Not fallen victim to your own memories?
Saurfang turns around for a moment to answer.
High Overlord Saurfang says: I don’t eat pork…
High Overlord Saurfang spits.


I see your point friend, and honestly I doubt they’ll write the alliance being obtuse evil like they’ve written the horde on most occasions. You’d have thought they would’ve kept with Thralls new horde in WC3 instead of putting it back to old demon horde.

I dunno I kind of like it as the term “evil” is just on the side of whose perspective it is. You State sylvanas is evil for burning the world tree and killing all those people. But those are the same people who when she returned with her forsaken army having broke free of the lich kings control to team up and take him down. they turned or her and the forsaken killing them and chasing them back all the way to lorderon. It wasnt until the tauren took them in did they have a home. So from a Forsaken perspective the alliance would be evil

Raising skeletons is something any first year Scholomance student can do. It’s not an impressive feat for a necromancer. Raising a bunch? Sure that’s neat.

But being able to dominate the will of otherwise sapient undead? Thus far only the Lich King and some of his lieutenants have been able to manage that.


She was raising them en masse though, like enough skeletons to push the alliance back. That’s not simple necromancy.

no it actually takes nowhere near that much power to dominate the minds of those you have risen. It depends on the strength of the mind of said person. Look at underot they raising fools left right and center controlling them

Listen here Cumberbatch, you’re like my favorite poster, but she’d already fed the maw Teldrassil.

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My point is the only being with the ability to dominate the will of numerous sapient undead was the Lich King.

And now that Windy flew off on an evil fart cloud and none of the Nelf Dark Rangers said anything about being controlled I find it hard to believe we’ll learn that was the case later. I mean granted I wouldn’t put it past Blizz but it’d be lazy even for them.

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Guess we’ll see if syl became an Uber necromancer or what during shadowlands.

(Edit) also I’m still super salty about her ripping the helm of domination in two

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