What makes the Horde better than Sylvanas? (rant)

Whats with people like op?! Crimes this, crime that.
Starting off as “villains”… Killing thousands of civilians… Burning a tree. You know you dont speak for all of the Horde right? The loyalist were happy to deal what ever they needed to do to win the Fourth war. Evil again is a point of view and where Im standing I believe what MY character has done is right and ruiling members of Silvermoon would be proud. Dont get me started on that fool Lor’themar. Ive lost all respect for him and if it was up to me and not game machincs, Id convince Rommath and the Magisters as well as the Farstriders and Blood Knights to have the Regent Lords head.

If it wasnt for game machincs, most if not all if not guaranteed all loyalist would be with Sylvanas right now.

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If you and Grandblade don’t like Elesana’s post then don’t read them. Exert some self control and take responsibility for your own actions. If I stub my toe and decide I don’t like how that feels I don’t then continue to intentionally stub my toe some more.

This is a shared space. It’s not a safe space. That means you don’t have any authority to tell Elesana what they can and can’t post. So get over yourself and go read a different thread.


Yeah, Ëlësåna may be a single topic poster, but as of late, they haven’t exactly been spamming us with threads or drowning out other discourse. All (well most) of us have our pet causes.


But a good reason why anyone might think the Horde has changed?

When Sylvanas left, you had a pretty sizeable chunk of the Alliance offensive standing outside the gates of Orgrimmar. They were surrounded by Horde rebel forces on one side and by the larger and well fortified forces that Sylvanas had just abandoned.

The combine Horde forces -if they’d wanted to- could likely have overwhelmed all those Alliance troops right then and there. You had Genn, Anduin, Jaina, Alleria, and others with their guard down.

But they didn’t. In fact, they opened the gates of Orgrimmar and allowed in what up until moments ago had been their enemies.

I can understand the idea of wanting even more in compensation/penitence/reparations or the Horde not wanting to acknowledge its shame and downplay it/move on.

But what happened outside Orgrimmar alone proves the Horde is better than Sylvanas, as she never would have allowed that except as a ploy.


Telling people to not post on the forums because you’re bothered by what they’re saying or don’t like it?

That’s just rude.

This is a public place to post your thoughts or vent and if you have an issue with what’s being said, no one’s forcing you to click the link or keep reading.


Way back in alpha, the forsaken were the scourge, and so its id is actually labled forsaken.

devs have repeatedly over the 15ish years made this mistake.


Ooookay everybody, we’ve got another one who doesn’t seem to know what a bad guy looks like, back away slowly.

But it’s legit the scourge logo

Yes. The forsaken were originally part of the scourge in alpha. they walked it back.

Man this thread is going places!

grabs popcorn

I think it’s probably just that whoever designed her outfit doesn’t know the lore/iconography that well and just gave her a spooky looking tabard that matched the colors of her armor. There were some Forsaken NPCs wearing the Scourge tabard added in Cata too.

That is so weird

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But why can’t I have a scourge tabard? I’d rock it with my dk

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There are a bunch of cool NPC tabards that I wish players could get like Dalaran (simple version), Hand of Vengeance, Explorers’ League, Scourge, Bilgewater Cartel (alternate version), Stromgarde, Lordaeron, and Reliquary.


Yah crazy we can’t have them

Lets point and virtue signal instead of having a discussion about it right?