What makes the Horde better than Sylvanas? (rant)

Might help if you’d show evidence of the people remembering the maw except for Sylvanas, because you’ve displayed none, you’ve just perported it. Vol’jin had a whole questline because he couldn’t remember anything.

Allow me to play devil’s advocate and use an old argument: “Who died and made the Arbiter in charge of deciding our fate?”

You know what happens when you try to tell the WoW PCs that they’re powerless to change something? You end up on the floor with forty to twenty people digging through your guts for stuff like a bunch of demented children with a broken pinata.


Thankfully all these holes and dead ends in Forsaken writing make for excellent places to write your own fiction. One of my mages was one of the Ambermill Mages killed and raised.

She’s a sweet, grandmotherly sort. Her husband died in the Third War and her grandchildren are wizards in Dalaran proper. She only stayed and fought because it was her home, damnit, and if the Scourge didn’t case her off this wouldn’t. Her surviving relatives vary in levels of acceptance of her. The youngest, who grew up in a world that simply included the living dead from day one, do but the older ones are skeptical to unfriendly.

She lives in the Vision Pools of Thunderbluff largely trying to challenge her arcane knitting skills by making sweaters for the Tauren. She does haunt around the Forsaken as a lot of them are depressed and miserable and she wants to help.


Welcome to every differential afterlife ever.

And yet Gnomeregan is still under hostile control, and it’s not even the Horde. This time it’s battle pets. And Blizz was perfectly fine with telling the Alliance they were powerless to change Theramore and Teldrassil. And despite telling the Alliance to “go get 'em”, with “'em” being the Val’kyr, they have been able to do no such thing. They have only been getting more potent, and as of Shadowlands my understanding is the reduction in their numbers doesn’t even matter anymore, Sylvanas can have as many as she wants.

If you’re trying to find autonomy in Warcraft, you will find none. Be glad you’re playing Horde, at least we have the illusion of autonomy.


From what I remember, the majority of named undead NPCs that were explicitly raised in Cata or later either leave the Forsaken or don’t appear again.

Of the three raised in Deathknell, Marcus Redpath and Voss immediately absconded. Valdred Moray hasn’t appeared since but the Horde PC killed him in the first place so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s gone.

Of the Gilneans raised, Dempsey was horrified by being undead so Godfrey killed him. Then Godfrey, Walden, and Ashbury turned on the Forsaken.

Galen Trollbane and the Arathi undead also turned on the Forsaken in Legion.

I don’t think any of the named Southshore/Hillsbrad Fields refugees they raised ever appear again (and once again it was the Horde PC that killed them).

Thankfully it looks like the undead night elves won’t stick around. I guess we’ll see what happens with Amalia Stone if she ever appears again. But she’s another case of being killed by the Horde PC (and Lilian Voss) and she might not appreciate them putting her in a deranged state in order to manipulate her into turning on her countrymen.

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We do get to catch up with Stone a bit.

" Plunder Harbor

I’m coming a bit more to my senses, .

With Lilian’s help, perhaps I can come to accept this new fate.

Though I must say… the further I can get from Kul Tiras… the better.

Banshee’s Wail

It was… invigorating seeing those people get what they deserved.

Is this what it is like to be free? To set your own rules?

Perhaps I could get used to this."

So seems she’s adjusting alright. I hope we see more of her the Forsaken aren’t really in a spot to lose any other characters. Plus a Forsaken spooky voice talking in an English dock worker’s accent sounds amusing.


You notice Stone wears a scourge tabard? I wonder why that is

That unlike her and her elfie breathen(especially nelfies) aren’t a bunch of whiners. That’s why the Horde is better than her in both morality and aesthetically

Aesthetically? You say that with your Bride of Frankenstein hair style?.. Alright man… Sure.

It’s much better than your black eyes made from the beats of Blizzard on your race.

You have literal troll doll hair…


Probably because the creators themselves can’t differentiate between undead and forsaken.

I mean at this point I can’t either, they’ve become allot like the scourge.

That is an arguable point, but my point was that the terms undead and forsaken has been used indiscriminately and interchangeably to the point where it seems like the game creators don’t know what the difference is. The forsaken is a faction made up of undead, but not every undead is part of the faction of the forsaken.

Well the forsaken is made up of free willed undead, but that criteria has become incredibly muddled as expansions go on.

Still gotta read the rest of the thread but now I have a great reference point when the whole “being tricked doesn’t count!” arguments pop up thanks

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Another incredible post from you.

Are you serious?

Ok Ëlësana, I was absent from the game for like 6 months give or take… and you STILL insist in making these types of post? /ubber sigh

I totally agree with the Anomaly (A.K.A. Grandblade): after the n-esim iteration of the literal SAME post over and over again, you kinda became toxic, girl/man/whatever. This is a shared space and we all are VERY aware of your feelings on the matter of BfA and the portrayal of the Horde (heck, some of us share some parts of it too); notheless, we´re not your terapist. Please stop with the spamming.

To put it not so nicely: if this is your way of dealing with the whole issue, cool, go make a blog and vent there, we´re tired and annoyed and steadily losing sympathy regarding you. Please leave us alone, tyvm.


Yeah! Ëlësana! Only repeatedly generic posts on how sad we feel playing Forsaken and repeatedly generic posts about on why we think Blizzard doesn’t care about Horde characters and story are allowed here. These are OUR forums in this shared space of ours! Only sadness for Horde is allowed here because Horde pride is dead and that’s all that matters.