What lore claim do you cringe at the most when you see it on these forums/in-game?

Malfurion and Illidan were born in Lorlathil. The Highborne - now Nightborne - probably considered them country bumpkins.


The correct assertion to make is “all of Quel’thalas is comprised of former highborne, the majority of Suramar was highborne, therefore it is more likely that NB will have relatives in BEs”.

Ah, my mistake then. Still, considering that blood elves are small in number, and that many highborne left to become the highborne of Shen’dralar (who later reunited with the kaldorei), it’s safer to say that more of their relatives likely stayed with the night elves.

That is utter hogwash, and yet another false syllogism.

At any rate, it’s only conjecture at this point since we have no official source on this.

The correct choice would’ve been to allow the Nightborne to choose who they wanted to go with. That way everyone wins.

The Shen’dralar lived really far way from Suramar. Though this obviously does not exclude the possibility of familiar relationships, it does not make it as likely that the Nightborne have any Shen’dralar relatives.

Though, for that matter, there’s nothing to really indicate that any of Dath’Remar’s group that fled with the Night Elf Resistance had any family ties to Elisande’s group that stayed, either.



You are trying to say that there were more Shen’dralar highborne than there are blood elves, or number more than the highborne that were exiled. Objectively incorrect and I don’t know if you are trolling at this point.

This one is kinda iffy simply because blizzard hasn’t released the chronological order of the Legion starting zones in relation to each other.

That reason can be supported if you assume two things happened.

  1. Azsuna happened before Stormheim
  2. The alliance got Sylvanas’ journal on the wrecked forsaken ship in Azsuna. Which basically says “Sylvanas is gonna enslave a group of V
 for immortality”. Which you hand over to Genns forces.

Until we get a correct order on those events though and which side recovered the journal. Who knows the correct order of events.


I don’t think that’s actually an issue in the game as it is live, as it is not canon that the quest from Azsuna was a factor for why Genn was in Stormheim or what Genn thought Sylvanas was doing there.

That being said, we do know original designs for the leveling experience:

Ion Hazzikostas at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnX7yrbyRSo&t=54m50s :

    So, after we started thinking about and talking the Broken Isles we figured, alright, you're going to start off in the city of Dalaran which is kind of your flying fortress, your base from which you mount your assault on the Legion, and then you'll work your way clockwise around the zones, culimating in Suramar, maybe getting two, two and half levels each step of the way so you'll probably hit 110, you know, kind of late into Highmountain maybe Suramar [I think he meant Stormheim, given the slide]... We started building the expansion with this in mind and this direction.

Doesn’t Rogers essentially say that she “just knows” Sylvanas is up to no good (or something of the sort)? Doesn’t sound like something someone would say if they had evidence of something nefarious going on.


Not even that.

    Sky Admiral Rogers says: Three days ago, the Forsaken fleet set sail from Durotar, heading straight for the Broken Isles. We think Sylvanas Windrunner herself may be among them.
    Sky Admiral Rogers says: We are to track them from a safe distance. We may engage, but only if the situation demands.
    Sky Admiral Rogers says: I strongly suspect the situation will demand it.
    Genn Greymane says: It had better.
    Genn Greymane says: I am not in the habit of tracking prey unless I intend on killing it.

Nothing really indicates they knew about the Val’kyr ahead of time. They were intending to kill Sylvanas for the sake of killing her. We also know why:

    Genn Greymane: For Varian! For Gilneas! FOR MY SON!

Though, people bringing up Stormheim as justification of the War of the Thorns is cringe, to address the thread’s topic again, if people bring up that Sylvanas was the Horde’s leader at the time, when, in the context of the shot that hit Liam was meant for Genn, Sylvanas had tried to kill Gilneas’ leader herself all the same.


That one don’t even make sense. Like, are we to assume that prior to the battle, Sylvanas gave Varian and Genn a list of horn sounds and what they mean? Which horn sound is “retreat because we’re being overrun” and which one was “retreat and let ally die lol”? That isn’t even a “should have known”, more like “no way could have known”.


Especially when, as someone pointed out earlier, Sylvanas literally could have shouted down to the Alliance pretty crystal clearly about what was happening, given she was yelling at the Alliance constantly throughout the whole time.

Though, given the new context we have for everything, obviously it was all part of Sylvanas’ plan to create tension between the Alliance and Horde so she could eventually start her war. Just like everything that has ever happened was all part of Sylvanas’ plan.


Get in the DIscord, nao.


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When I get time off work and remember my discord info, I will.

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horn sounds in warfare can be used for many things, retreat is just one of them

It’s getting late, so I am getting loopier, but now I can’t help but imagine Genn screaming “I knew it! I knew we couldn’t trust her! I knew she would honk horns at us when she left us for dead!”

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Garithos is just the biggest most obvious reason. Sylvanas was also former ranger general and can from a respected family.

But they also fit in the trolls in the sense that they have a unified hatred for the night elfs, who are remembered as the ones they banished from their homes. Plus the scourge being led by a former human prince dident help the alliance case either, especially when aid was extremely slow/non-existent during the invasion, and afterwards the only aid shown was in spys and sabotage.

All im saying is some posters use that argument ‘the horde needs a pretty race’ as the ONLY reason they went horde, when given the lore examples above its really not that far out there that they went horde. TBH around the time of BC I could see them go either way.

See, I’m loopy too and all I can picture is Genn looking frantically for a car to chase.

Also, didit nao.


