What lore claim do you cringe at the most when you see it on these forums/in-game?

See, what does this even mean? What does this serve? All this does is rile people up. Just pointless nonsense. “I disagree with you” does not mean it’s cringe.


Except ultimately it didn’t. The Nightborne have never really directly ever done anything to the Night Elves. And come Nazjatar, Thalyssra was reminiscing about how the Blood Elves and Night Elves worked together to liberate Suramar and convinced Lor’themar to work with the Alliance again because of it.

The Nightborne joining the Horde wasn’t really a negative consequence to the Alliance or the Night Elves.

Especially given how ugly the playable Nightborne models are.


To be fair, Ashenvale is one of the worst-handled zones in-game and in-lore. It’s pretty much well-known that the night elves are always in power so to speak, but we now have not 1 but 2 in-game events that show the Horde steamrolling the Alliance forces there, so it’s easy for people to get confused over who maintains it and who doesn’t.

Like I said, it’s a ratio thing. This isn’t even me trying to be biased or cruel. If there’s 10 alliance posters and 100 horde posters and 30% of each demographic are going to post cringe, the Horde beats the Alliance 10 to 1. Hell, even if 100% of those Alliance posted cringe, that’s still 3 to 1 in the Horde’s favor.

She handled it fine. By joining the other side. Which seems like a bad outcome, from an Alliance perspective. That’s my point. Diplomacy isn’t about “epic truth bombs,” it’s about getting the best result for your side.

Insulting people, however justified you believe yourself to be, is not going to work out in your favour. It is shooting yourself in the foot. Did Tyrande’s “epic truth bombs” help the Alliance in any way, or did they help the Horde?


I don’t know what forum you’re on, but most threads are even, or blue dominated. And your definition of cringe seems to be “something I disagree on”, so to you, your statistic makes sense,

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From a player perspective, perhaps. I don’t think any Alliance character has ever commented on the Nightborne joining the Horde, one way or another.


Still annoying

I don’t think that can be said about any of the allied races - the closest we have is Silgryn commenting on LFD on Argus, and to a lesser extent the Unshackled giblin that talks about the Ankoan being uptight (they aren’t allied races, but it’s on the same lines that you’re talking about).

Really? So until an NPC comments on it, we have no reason to see a major new nation joining their rival as a bad outcome, from an Alliance perspective?

Is it that hard to accept any criticism of Tyrande, who let me reiterate is a fictional character with no actual feelings that can be hurt? That we can’t admit that her behaviour towards the Nightborne, which canonically drive them to the Horde, was therefore bad for the Alliance?


That’s literally “This person is being up-front and honest with me and telling me about our faults” and “this other person is paying me lip service and buttering me up”

It reveals a lot about Thalyssra as a person- that’s she’s not able to come to terms with her own shortcomings, and instead decides to join the faction that’s constantly teetering on the edge of rebellion and commits atrocities (Which btw would end up being the worse choice for her people if she cares at all about their survival)

This is worse than reading “nightborne should have been neutral”.

Silgryn does comment on it being a pitty that the Lightforged Draenei couldn’t be convinced to join the Horde in the Nightborne starting area, but, yeah, beyond that no one really ever brings it up. Perhaps if we count Lor’themar calling the Void Elves traitors that have to be dealt with.

Seeing as you ignored my earlier post about the Nightborne joining the Horde ultimately not being any consequence to the Alliance or the Night Elves, it seems more like you are digging for a criticism to have significance when it has none.


You really aren’t getting my point. IT DOESN’T MATTER IF TYRANDE IS RIGHT OR NOT. The point of diplomacy isn’t to be right. It’s to get the best result for your faction.

This is not a complicated concept.


I forgot about VElves completely. But my point is what Carma reiterated, essentially.

And why shouldn’t they have been? Blocking all Nightborne from being able to reconnect with their possible family members in the Alliance was a terrible choice to make from a lore and playable race standpoint.

Nope cause faction power has always been a meme

If we’re going by your argument, it’s statistically and logically more likely that their relatives would have been blood elves.

And as people point out, Tyrande cared about Night Elf lives more than Nightborne ones. From Tyrande’s perspective, she got the best results for her faction, if the Nightborne joining the Alliance was never something she thought about in the first place.


Weren’t Malfurion, Illidan and Tyrande born in Suramar?

I believe that’s called a false syllogism.