What lore claim do you cringe at the most when you see it on these forums/in-game?

I mean, judging by Piouspelicañ’s post, it’s really now just “the other side I hate”.

Not the side that’s murdered countless innocents for the lulz?

Which is a person whose sole job was to maintain the “lore” of Warcraft. The guy had a mental breakdown sometime during MoP due to Twitter trolls and stalking. He supposedly was “back online” at the end of WoD.

Oddly while he is still on salary, the current writing teams seemingly hasn’t bothered to talk to him or consult him for the creative developments surrounding BfA. While Blizzard is typically silent on the entire thing, its rather apparent by the retcons and blatant ignorance of established lore or precedence.

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I am repeatedly amazed (and it’s in this thread too) at how fervently people are Horde/Alliance to the point of fanaticism. GG Blizz I guess?

I guess that would be my biggest cringe. It’s ITT. How people lose the forest for the trees and willfully categorize one thing as being somehow better or worse due to -reasons- :roll_eyes:


To be fair, this is a rather strange complaint, if Tyrande is basically saying “I’m not here to be a diplomat” for people to turn around and say “Then you’re a terrible diplomat!” It’s kind of a given.


I mean, I don’t hate the Horde. But since they make up a majority of this forum, it stands to reason that they do the most cringe things.

I honestly can’t think of anything egregious the Alliance posters do… like, sometimes the night elf whining can get a little tiresome but like, they’ve literally been dealt the worst hand consistently in lore since WoW released back in 2004, so can you really blame them for that?

Pretty much anything the Alliance posters here do that is cringe-inducing is almost always outdone by the Hordeposter’s response which is 100% worse.

What I am amazed at the amount of salt from players who post on elves.

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It does make sense for every race to have every class, because races are comprised of individuals and while races and cultures might have overall tendencies, it should always be possible for exceptional individuals to buck those trends. Just like in real life, and just like we see in WoW, actually, given the innumerable examples of NPCs representing (currently) unplayable race/class combinations (e.g. Night Elf paladins).

The “race equals destiny” trope is an unfortunate holdover from Tolkeinesque fantasy that feels pretty archaic. It has long since been abandoned in most other fantasy games; D&D, for example, lets any race be any class. WoW should get with the times.


Not at all. I’m objective when I argue on the forums, but you’d be hard pressed to disagree that a lot of these new night elf posters are incredibly awful.

There’s nuance here that people aren’t getting. I like to think of myself as one of the more objective posters on these forums, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t hold my own biased opinions - I simply don’t let them influence my arguments. This thread is talking about personal preference. Like now - Ivalesse just said that the majority of this forum is Horde, like oh my god that’s the furthest thing from the truth.

The key, here, is to separate personal opinion with one’s argument.

  • People who hijack threads like this one to passive-aggressively whine about posters or posting habits they don’t like in this forum.

Please contribute to the thread constructively or just take the bovine hint.

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… Really? Nothing? Not a thing leaps to mind?

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Something I’ve noticed here is that people are adverse to seeing any faults that posters of their own faction make. No one’s innocent in this regard.

Well, I guess I just assume that the Alliance representative should not want to drive a new faction into the arms of its geopolitical rival. But you’re right, if Tyrande doesn’t care about that, then this is not a flaw. From her perspective.

However, I think most objective observers would agree that it was pretty bad diplomacy that led to negative consequences.


Bring up some topics and let’s discuss them.

I don’t really agree with this. Everyone, people who are on one side or other other, and even people who are on neither side, we all post cringy stuff now and again.

Eh… I would really like for some of the whining to stop, too, to be completely honest. To note, though, I don’t consider sharing one’s feelings alone to be whining. People explaining why they feel a way or why something - like Teldrassil - was important to them I will always welcome. But the constant doomsaying does wear real thin.

That being said, anyone who says that Teldrassil should be gotten over is way worse than even the doomsayers.


NU-night elf posters. Human RPers. Constant whining.

Obviously, not all posts are like this. But, it’s as the old adage goes, the minority sure is the loudest.

Lol says the person who posted stuff about the devs instead of lore claims

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Another to add to my list: vaguebooking. This thread serves as a callout thread, frankly. Keep it tasteful and call people out.

And remember, it’s a video game forum. Let’s not forget that we shouldn’t be taking this too seriously.

More like Thalyssra couldn’t handle Tyrande’s epic truth bombs that she threw at her.

It’s more of a ratio thing- more hordeposters = more cringe. Kinda like how America was always going to have more coronavirus cases than the rest of the world because we have a ton of people who don’t follow good advice and really crappy healthcare.

I’ll add something some alliance posters do,

the claim that the horde still have ashenvale, even though the status is unknown and its super unlikely that the current horde leaders would keep it.