What lore claim do you cringe at the most when you see it on these forums/in-game?

What? Why would Tyrande expect them to join a faction? That’s a strange dichotomy for her own people she met again after 10000 years. And at the end of the day, her actions of helping them still caused them to join a side who would burn down her home, so in retrospect she probably doesn’t want them anyway.

Because a people who can support a faction that destroys you, after you aided those people, is just as likely to turn their backs on you as an ally, if it meant saving their own skin.

If I was in Tyrande’s mind, I’d be glad to not have allied with them. I know I’m making the Nightborne seem more treacherous than they are, but that’s a very reasonable stance for a night elf character in the game.


A lot of the things said in this thread tbqh.

A lot of the issues described above would be solved if Blizzard added some more dialogue to the game. I don’t even mean voiced over stuff. Have Thalryssa or Baine make text chat to other NPCs (advisors or something) voicing displeasure with the war. Stuff like that could add depth to decisions.


This is always hilarious to me. I don’t understand how people don’t get it. Malfurion was in the dungeon the entire time, how could he have cried out to Tyrande? Furthermore he is completely stalwart in the dungeon, so you know that’s the real him.


The Tauren have worked side by side with the Night Elves for years. The Blood Elves went through the same horror as the Night Elves thanks to Arthas.

Those two races, as well as everyone else that cares about honor, and making up for the past, should have revolted or left Sylvanas after Teldrassil.

Tyrande only helped the Nightborne until the rebellion ended. Then she gave them the cold shoulder. The blood elves didn’t.


A lot of players entirely ignore the fact that the Horde attacked the Alliance in Ashran; bit ridiculous.

But Blizzard doesn’t care about details - they only care about the big moments.

Which makes it even more ridiculous that they stared. Blizzard just needed a big shock event, and they didn’t care what they ruined to make it happen.


It all started when Sylvanas stole the Tardis and traveled to our world, 2016…

…and killed that damn gorilla.


The revere is true.

Meglo agreed.

IT ME :scream:

Disclaimer: I’m not an expert, just a fan, just giving info as I understand it, and I could be missing something. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

First of all, as a side note I’m not sure the slight difference in skin tone currently seen between High Elf and Blood Elf NPCs is an actual lore thing and not just a matter of color theory matching related to the different color schemes of their eyes and usual clothing sets. As far as I know High Elves and Blood Elves should have the same skin tone ranges, excepting those caused by feeding on fel that we see represented in demon hunters and Kael’thas’ felblood forces. I don’t believe the fel exposure that turned Sin’dorei eyes green was supposed to extend to changing their skin by itself, but I’d be happy to be corrected if that’s not the case.

The split between current quel’dorei and sin’dorei is actually related to two separate instances of policy disagreement that are not directly connected. The first splintering occurred when Anasterian Sunstrider withdrew Quel’Thalas from the Alliance of Lordaeron after the Second War. Despite this, many quel’dorei did not follow their monarch’s example and maintained connections outside of Quel’Thalas and even continued to live abroad. This number even included Kael’thas Sunstrider initially, as he was part of the ruling Council of Six in Dalaran at the time. Some of these elves continued to drift apart from Quel’Thalas in the following years and never rejoined their kindred there, and so did not rename themselves to sin’dorei or join the Horde when Quel’Thalas did.

The second split happened after the fall of Quel’Thalas and the destruction of the Sunwell, but before Quel’Thalas joined the Horde. Rommath came back from Outland with information on mana tapping and taught the sin’dorei (as they were now called) living in Quel’Thalas how to use this method on the local wildlife to keep their mana dependency under control. Some elves objected to the idea of hurting living creatures through this method. Eventually there were enough elves vocally protesting that Lor’themar Theron, claiming he could not lead a divided people, asserted his power in Kael’thas’ absence as Regent Lord and gave the protesting elves a choice: accept mana tapping as Rommath taught it, or be banished from Quel’Thalas. Those who chose banishment began calling themselves quel’dorei again after they left, if they hadn’t been doing so already.

tl;dr: Quel’dorei either didn’t cut off their connections with other peoples when Quel’Thalas left the Alliance, or were mana vegans during the years without the Sunwell. These things are not mutually exclusive.


I think you covered everything very thoroughly. I don’t think you missed anything.

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He missed a third group. The group of High Elves who went to Outland as part of Khadgar’s expedition with Alleria and were considered lost when Draenor exploded.


Thay Arthas should have a redemption arc culminating in him killing Windrunner.

That’s several levels of gross. Arthas isn’t a redeemable character. His arrogance leads him on a path of damnation that nearly drowns the world in ice and rot. He never repents for this. He never has a Darth Vader moment where he sacrifices himself in a moment of reclaimed humanity to vanquish an even greater evil. He’s just a prick that turns evil and stays evil until he’s put down by adventurers.

And feel free to hate Slyvanas but she was brutalized by the guy. The descriptions of which are one of Blizz’s bizarre tonal shifts because it gets to borderline ‘I Spit On Your Grave’ levels. Slyvanas is a very bad person too but having a character that tortured her ‘redeem’ himself by killing her again would be awful writing.


The reason Sylvannas got her body back was that Arthas was keeping it around in the off chance he’d find another way to torture her with it.

Arthas went the extra mile and then some when it came to Sylvannas. Before the lore was revised by the Warbringer’s short. Arthas had Sylvannas tortured for DAYS before he killed her because he was that torqued by the resistance she and her rangers DARED to offer him.

He purposely kept her mind aware so that she would be fully concious of what he was making her body do in the slaughter of her own people.


The dum thing was letting that story line see the light of day. You dont need some big shock and awe event to kick off a faction war. How about this… Small scale skirmishes in which both sides instigate, devolve into a full-scale war as more and more outposts request resource from higher levels within the horde and alliance while diplomacy breaks down with maybe some small scale ‘shock’ events. Plays to their strength even of being better at writing small scale stories.


Blizzard sells it’s expacs on it’s epic cinematics. And you really can’t dispute the results of what’s obviously a successful sell strategy. Even the loudest critics on this forum are still spending their 15 per month.

You could still have the cinematic they showed at blizzcon. I dont think that really changes anything.

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If they evacuated all the civilians before burning the tree, then they could keep the fancy cinematic, still have the night elves get furious and want revenge, and not have the Horde player faction be involved with what the writers chose to describe as genocide.

The scenario didn’t need to be this ridiculously evil to cause the reactions they wanted. And lessening it would have made this “okay, I’m bored, next plot!” ending easier to handle.


They killed them because in shadowlands there is going to be a “tear jerker” moment where they all go to heaven and dont suffer anymore in the Maw.

The Horde players that put them there are supposed to feel vindicated. (They shouldn’t)
Sylvanas is going to get raid bossed by Tyrion (Because we can assume Blizzard won’t bother to give Tyrande her vengeance).
Tyrande realizes vengeance is bad and she lets the Night Warrior go and she accomplishes nothing with it.

I am spending someone else’s $20 bucks by using Gold for tokens.

Which I love! It gives me incentive to run Heroic Raids on my Alts. Sold a BoE for 400K Gold, and thats 3 months of game time.