What lore claim do you cringe at the most when you see it on these forums/in-game?

I’m not going to live my life by what a bunch of crybaby alliance posters dictate for me.

I’m a rebel

Welp thanks for proving my earlier point fella.

Lets have that quoted before you edit it 5 times to something completely different again.
Btw, the Camp Taurajo cringe is a view held by most players from both sides. The real cringe is the people that actually believe it.

welp there you go I concede that point.

However not sure why they would want this interation

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I’m sorry that this subforum isn’t one big alliance circle-jerk about how night elves should be soloing the horde but you don’t have to be so toxic lol.


See what I mean? I didn’t even mention Night Elves, just how disingenuous the Camp Taurajo argument is.

And you have a history of going back and changing your post completely after replies debunked your argument.

And it seems each time someone debates you they are attacking you personally.

What is the difference between high elves and blood elves aside from fel stuff and appearances (like high elves being more pale and blood elves having more tan stuff)

so aside from skin and iris color and blood elves absorbing fel and there being like 1k high elves left in the lore

However many High Elves are left there are still way more of them than the few Void Elves that got saved by Alleria.

That didn’t stop Blizzard from adding them.
And making entire armies out of them.


We didn’t, but we also didn’t get that thread. We got one that by intent was to talk about cringe lore claims.

We turned it into an excuse to attack and belittle each other, usually along faction lines.

Hilariously we’ll then unironically wonder why, in a few more years, Blizzard thinks another faction war is a good idea.

EDIT: I am aware of and comfortable with my own hypocrisy.


I don’t think Nightborne should have gone to either faction; I have a great fondness for their story, but I think they’re a poor fit for either faction. So no, I’m not salty about “not getting NB”.

^ This.

Players who pick fights on behalf of one faction or another on the forums, and can’t remain objective and neutral, are setting themselves up for a difficult time. Players need to get some distance and not entrench themselves.

I am singling out the Nightborne because they made a huge stink in Legion about how they were different from Ellisande, and different from the Legion, and that they were above senseless slaughter and wanted a better future for their kind.

And then they immediately support a genocide against a race that has only helped them since their reunion. Yeah, Tyrande was untrusting, but the Alliance continued to help regardless.

Of the original Allied races, only Highmountain Tauren and the Lightforged Draenei really have a reasonably sound argument for joining a faction, IMO. The only reason for those two is because they are blood kin of existing races. Nightborne should have been either neutral, or just non-playable, and Void Elves should never have been created.

Cool, so a bunch of people stated their opinions. That is in no way indicative of the entire player-base. Generalizing and pigeon holing all players of one faction into a single boat isn’t going to do anything positive.

Its a great idea.
Just do it well.

They are quite clearly incapable.

This is both something that I agree with, and a lore claim peeve that I think is (once again) more against Blizzard than the players who use them: Leaving giant voids in a story chapter where something should happen, so players are left to debate whether that void means something or is just yet another Blizzard oversight - and if so, what should have been there instead.

Basically, I think it was completely stupid and lore-breaking for the Horde not to have a big reaction (one way or another) to the event of the Burning.

And yet Blizzard wrote no major reactions.

Thalyssra was silent. Baine was silent. Lor’themar was silent. Saurfang agonized inside his own head, but stuck with Sylvanas to Lordaeron where he tried to suicide against the Alliance.

Practically all we have to go on to see how the Horde reacted was Saurfang saying “They will come for us!”, him silently feeling guilty, and the one orc child reference saying he feels bad for the night elves for losing their home. And a whole lot of people not acting.

So, the players were left to fill things in inside their own heads - did the faction leaders like Baine and Thalyssra disapprove? Or did they not care, or even approve of what the writers chose to use the word “genocide” to describe?

People fill in these gaps with assumptions. The problem is, with so few details, there are a lot of different assumptions that could be made.
“Lor’themar, Baine, etc did not visibly react or speak up, and then showed up at Undercity fighting alongside Sylvanas” can easily lead to assumptions such as:

  1. “They disapprove, but either cannot challenge Sylvanas or do not want to cause chaos in Horde leadership at the moment, and will keep protecting the land and people of the Horde”, or
  2. “They agree or at least tacitly agree with genocide.”

And people will constantly argue over which assumption is right, and get angry at each other because that person doesn’t share their conclusions from the details (or lack thereof) presented by the story.

Edit - for a (maybe) clearer example:

Imagine a TV show where Superman punches some random guy in the face - and the guy no-sells it. He doesn’t go flying, doesn’t even flinch, just keeps staring nonplussed back at Superman.
Some people conclude “Oh man, this guy must be dangerous! He can withstand Superman’s punches!”
And others conclude “Really, animators? You forgot to add something as logical as a normal guy reacting to getting punched by Superman?”
And they have to wait until next episode to see what the answer is. (Though unfortunately with Blizzard, the ‘they just didn’t think’ option seems more common. Until they decide to retcon something and now it was always as according to plan.)


Yupppp. This has been my number one complaint since the launch of BFA: all the missing pieces that are essential to the story being a) sensible, b) believable, and c) worthy of emotional investment.

Blizzard does BIG EVENT, move onto the next BIG EVENT, move quickly onto the next BIG EVENT. There is nothing holding these events together; no dialogue, no reflection, no deeper meaning. It’s wasted story potential.


So your argument, to be clear, is that Tyrande did nothing wrong because a powerful nation joining the Horde was her optimal outcome.

This is a perfect example of what I mean about players having such partisan blinders that they are willing to commit to logical absurdities in defence of a fictional character’s choices.

Incidentally, as far as I can tell you have countered my argument that Tyrande was a being portrayed as bad diplomat by asserting that, no, she’s just being portrayed as an idiot.


I think this argues strongly in favor of “Teldrassil was changed last-minute” because I don’t think even Blizzard is THAT stupid, and they DO start writing reactions - they just wrote them late. Why? My money is that, after doing all the big work to suddenly change Teld, they didn’t have time to go and update every minor piece of dialogue/add in pieces of dialogue that should have been there, since they put themselves under a time crunch with the change of writing direction.


You have more faith than me.

You mean they changed something… to the current story?

(Edit: I’d link the “You changed your name to Latrine?” video, but I can’t find a version that doesn’t have language that might actually attract some moderation. So you’ll just have to imagine the tone of incredulity.)

The point I am trying to make is that Teldrassil wasn’t always supposed to go this way, and I think there’s a good amount of (circumstantial) evidence that the story direction was changed rather late in the BfA alpha. That’s what leads to a lot of the narrative discontinuity.


I never said everyone who plays Alliance wanted Nightborne though :man_shrugging:

My argument was there was a lot of Alliance players who were upset over the decision to make NB a Horde AR, and that it was evident from the amount of posts about it.

Yeah, I guess I’m just miffed at calling those “minor” pieces of dialogue.

An event that big, an event the writers themselves chose in their wisdom to use the word ‘genocide’ for, needs a response. A big response. At least a widespread one.

And I think it’s irresponsible, stupid, and a few more choice words that I won’t risk saying, for the writers, the devs, for anyone involved in the process to not add that response.


The peace treaty was broken during Warlords of Draenor any way. The Horde player even executes an Orc for having aided the Alliance during said expansion.

To be clear, my argument is that the Nightborne joining the Horde was ultimately of no consequence to the Alliance or Night Elves. To be even clearer, your post was a lot of strawmaning.

Have you seen Warcraft III Tyrande? So, yes, I have counter your arguementy that Tyrande was being portrayed as a bad diplomat, as she was not being portrayed as a diplomat at all.