What lore claim do you cringe at the most when you see it on these forums/in-game?

The claim that every Horde leader intentionally burned down Teldrassil, when literally nobody but Sylvanas and maybe Nathanos knew what the real plan was.

Also the claim that the war of thorns came out of nowhere and wasn’t the result of a massive, deliberate breaking of a peace treaty by the Alliance.


Honestly two things frustrate me, one is Horde players complaining about villain batted but then defend everyone of the Hordes actions and decisions like they did nothing wrong.

The second are those who defend Anduin as High king when he nothing in the Lores makes sense that he should hold the position in the first place outside of Author treating him as the chosen one.


This post just screams “I’m salty about not getting NB”. You are grasping at straws trying to convince us that NB shouldn’t have gone horde.


Did we really need a thread that basically boils down to “Say something we all know will start one of the many many many arguments we’ve been having for years”?


Don’t think anyone alliance side wanted nightbourne on the Alliance, I think it comes down to more

“Hey, they just joined the team of genocidal maniacs that just slaughtered the city of the night elves after they helped us save our city”

I mean regardless of how Tyrande acted that was kinda a douche thing to do. Outside Faction Balancing I can’t really see any of the Hordes allied races really joining Sylvanas’s Horde after the war of the thorns.


There was an absolute mountain of posts complaining about the fact that Nightborne went Horde after 7.3.5. You actually still see a decent amount of people bring it up as a sore spot.


Nah more Horde players claiming we wanted them on the Alliance, There are more posts on why Blood elves should be alliance by Alliance posters.

Honestly if their reasons they sided with horde are so fickle why would we want them on the Alliance. They are likely to go side with us if we ever had the horde on run again, they seem to either hide or join their enemies if ever threatened.

Besides it makes sense for all the races that sided with the legion to be on one side.

I always wanted them to remain neutral. You know, the whole, “End our long isolation as defenders, not conquerors”.

But suuure, I’ll go join one of the 2 world-warring factions instead. And disregard one faction’s entire contribution in the process.





Everyone stayed in the Horde after Teldrassil, including the Tauren and Blood Elves. There’s no point in singling the Nightborne.


While that’s probably true (considering how much people seem to love their pale elves), if you were active on the forums at all during the end of Legion you couldn’t throw a stick without hitting a “Why are Horde Getting Nightborne” post by an Alliance player.

Acting like no one on the Alliance wanted them is pretty dishonest.


Yeah, but they really need you to know that it was a bad idea to join the Horde.

I mean I can’t remember that but I’m happy for an alliance poster to come in and tell me im wrong.

I never even understood why it would look like a betrayal from my Alliance character’s point of view. Here we are, in pitched battle against the armies of the Legion, lead by Gul’Dan and an assortment of greater demons, one of which just killed legendary paladin Tyrion Fordring. We see the Horde sound their retreat, even though we can’t physically see exactly what’s going on up there why is our immediate assumption “The Horde is betraying us!” and not “The Horde is being overrun!”? We all know Genn has a pre-existing hate-on for Sylvanas but every other Alliance hero there has combat experience and should well understand how grim the situation is.


-Calia, but only if they fail to mention her THICCness
-Nelfs when they complain about the lack of Nelf content :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face:
-people who hate Bastion because they read a short synopsis


Everything this Cowthlic posts is cringeworthy at the amount of demonstrable falsehoods he posts.

Because that was the perspective Narrative they wanted the Alliance to take. They can only make the story so clear through the visual so they had Genn voice it that he feel it was a betrayal and Varian to question it but agree when he realises the Horde are gone.

Its not like they could have Sylvanas State to the Horde “we are retreating but don’t tell the Alliance its a secret” other wise character like Baine or even dying Vol’jin would dispute it.


Even better, I’ll link you a pretty popular Story Forum thread from 2019 where Alliance posters straight up admit to being salty they didn’t get NB as a Legion Allied race.


Heck, theres even a thread right now in GD that has people upset about the NB situation (though tbf, everyone in GD is upset all the time).


Personal attacks for when you can’t actually argue against a point is super cringe.


The entire first half of the thread is talking about how cringy Camp Taurajo Horde arguments are and you have posted about Camp Taurajo half a dozen times across multiple threads in the past 3 days alone.

You really need to understand what a personal attack is before mentioning it again.