What lore claim do you cringe at the most when you see it on these forums/in-game?


Malfurion had a whole speech about it in A Good War:

    Malfurion said softly. “Brother, we should not be enemies.”

    “The rest of the Horde, I can fathom. Sylvanas, I can fathom,” Malfurion continued, “but our peoples once lived together. We fought together in the same wars, and we died for one another. It was true long ago, and it was true only a few months ago, out on the Broken Isles. There should be no divide between my kaldorei and your sin’dorei.”


While I don’t really agree with what Ruffle has been saying, citing A Good War in this regard is pretty meh, since even the author himself has stated he forgot about the whole night elf-in-Ghostlands scenario.


Also from a good war,

"Lorash hissed through the root that gripped his throat. “And who created that divide, Stormrage? Who exiled my people?”

Further down as their conversation continues…

“Yes, that all happened before I was born,” he said. “I was born in Tirisfal Glades. As a child, I had to flee with my family and all the rest. I remember wandering for years. I remember a long winter trapped in the mountain peaks. I remember my father hunting despite the cold, losing one finger to the frost, then two. I remember one day he never returned at all. How many of your people have frozen to death, Malfurion? Do we share that history, too?”

Ill give you that the leaders are probably pretty friendly with each other, but the populations in general do not like each other.


The Night Elf spying has amusingly never really been brought up again.

He gave them a chance, rather than execute them as their laws threatened.

Malfurion also gave his opinion on Lorash’ opinions:

    “Then I am glad most of your kind is not as lost as you.”

Fair enough, but I dont think Malfurion has anyway of actually knowing this for sure, I see it as more of a belief.

Given you’re Revered with the Dreamweavers, Exalted with the Cenarion Expedition, and Friendly with the Cenarion Circle, you probably give him a good opinion of the Blood Elves. :+1:



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The suspicion at first was fine. But after rebelling against their leader, and destroying their font of power, don’t you think it’s dumb for Tyrande to continue being cold towards the Nightborne? The actual Highborne in Dire Maul have done worse and were accepted.


Its mostly horde players trying to convince people who just dont care about the nightborne on alliance side to care to get some alliance tears or something.

Like I was a bit peeved when they came out, but honestly dont see the point of this allied race battles, most people seem to keep them for alts, like there is no race blizzard can release that will budge me from my nelf main.

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Who, praytell, specifically said it justified civilian deaths?
I’m calling you out, Etheldald. I don’t believe this happened.

People who try to argue that Teldrassil wasn’t a genocide. Even if I were to say it’s not, it doesn’t disprove how morally pitch black it was.

Wanting a character or group of characters to try something is not the same as wanting them to succeed. I don’t want the playable horde faction to be destroyed. That doesn’t mean the alliance characters shouldn’t try. I’m fine with them failing.


It worked at first. Now its annoying. Like defeating the same kind of enemy every time.

Didn’t Blizz themselves use that exact descriptor for the event? Kinda hard to argue against it at that point.

Both of you are making sweeping generalisations backed up by absolutely nothing.


Another thing that makes me cringe, because it was introduced just to burn the night elf-blood elf bridge after wc3 and Legion.
Bringing me back to this:

I don’t think she’s actually cold, or that we even see much of her reaction after all of this. All we have are Thalyssra’s vague claims. Tyrande herself is reserved with expression and she only states that the Nightborne might perish or survive without the Nightwell, and she hopes they survive.
I don’t see that as indicative of anything bitter, but I guess I don’t see it as extending a hand either.


I find it ironic that people scoff saying it is just a game but then turn around and try to explain things from a real life aspect of experiences.


Around 4:50.

Tyrande could’ve maintained relations with the Nightborne but she didn’t. The blood elves did.

It’s not about hating the night elves for ignoring them. The blood elves were better friends, so why not join their team? The Nightborne didn’t know they were signing up for a war until the war happened.

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So you’re 100% okay teaming up with someone who has a history of betraying your team and leaving you to die? You’re just going to blindly trust that it won’t repeat itself? You don’t even want to ask some questions to be sure you can trust them?

100% blind trust is your choice? Absolutely no skepticism allowed? You don’t even want to bring your teammates up to speed with the past betrayal of this newcomer?

The best result for the faction would be to not be betrayed by the Nightborne should they decide to repeat their choices of the War of the Ancients. It’s a very valid concern that Tyrande had. The Nightborne couldn’t be trusted right away.

But the thing is… they stayed even after the genocide at Teldrassil. They realized what they had gotten into, and put their full backing behind the Horde regardless - even after seeing what the Horde was willing to do.

At Teldrassil, the Horde was no different than the Legion, and the Nightborne dismissed it entirely.

Seems an awful lot like the NB haven’t changed much since the WoTA.


Just as in real life, that there are 2 sides of the story, so it is in game also.

She only showed their side of the issue, not both. So the decision was based on hurt feelings, not on facts.