What lore claim do you cringe at the most when you see it on these forums/in-game?

I dont think a single troll even remembers that.

I think people need to focus more on the context of their joining the Horde, and not after-the-fact explanation as to why it worked out.

The trolls lost a looootttt of their land to azshara.

Most trolls that could’ve held a grudge like that probably died thousands of years ago.

Grudges can be passed down.

Rommath literally told Lor’themar to let all of the Ghostlands go rather than be under Sylvanas’ thumb.

Blood Elves don’t have a unified hatred for Night Elves. Both Kael’thas and Lor’themar have gotten along with Night Elves.

The Darkspear also don’t really have a hatred for the Night Elves, either, given that their Druids came to the Night Elves for further education.

Though, if you’re talking about the Night Elf Empire, Azshara’s chosen who used their arcane powers to brush off the Trolls were the Highborne, some of which became the Blood Elves.

As I said, their point isn’t a story one. Rather, their point is that Blizzard didn’t give the Blood Elves to the Horde because of story reasons.

They use that point to try and justify the lore surrounding the blood elfs at the time of TBC being wonky according to them. Hence they’re trying to make a story point with it.

True, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be a lore reason for it as well. It’s very problematic that there’s a meta reason that Horde got BEs - to cater to the female Asian audience - but that doesn’t mean there can’t also be lore reasons for it as well (even though that is secondary).

I mean, as we’ve been discussing, the lore is wonky. I mean, by your very logic, shouldn’t the Darkspear hate the Blood Elves?

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Shared hatred I guess, they both got burned by the night elfs.

As discussed, neither group at large actually hates the Night Elves.

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I think you may be confusing the Darkspears with the Forest trolls. The Darkspears never really had any interaction with elves of any type prior to joining the Horde, and in fact, may harbor more hatred for their own kind (Gurubashi, who they are an offshoot of, and Amani) than the elves.


And Arthas was a prince who came from a respected family.

After what caused the downfall of Quel’thalas and Lordaeron, it frankly makes no sense for people to be relying on a talking corpse’s former status in their society when deciding if it’s trustworthy or not.

To this day it’s never made a lick of sense that the blood elves weren’t killing Sylvanas’ envoys as readily as the Alliance did; any high/blood elf or human should have rightly assumed that any undead claiming to be friends were really a Scourge trick, and the fact that they were working for the reanimated body of a formerly trusted ally shouldn’t have made it seem any less likely. Dar’khan, Arthas, Sylvanas herself when she was helping mop up the stragglers in Lordaeron; if anything the fact that an undead wears the face of a former friend and ally should have been a huge strike against them as far as the sin’dorei were concerned.

Moreover these particular undead claiming to be allied with the green aliens who invaded Quel’thalas and tried to burn their forests down should have made it an even harder sell. The induction of the blood elves into the Horde was built on a lot of flimsily cobbled together contrivance and willful ignoring of how they should have actually reacted to the Horde’s overtures.

A standard that, sadly, played into a number of Allied Races’ inductions into both player factions as well. Pandaren too, when it comes down to it.


If you can cite something that shows that the POPULATION AT LARGE does not infarct have a hatred for the night elfs ill cede that single point, by my others still stand and are still enough of a reason.

We as outsiders know this, but place yourself in the shoes of someone in game during that time and it was prolly more along the lines of ‘that human price went mad!’

They did not not rely on what you mention she also provided actual aid. Plus her previous clout with the blood elfs probably went further than you think.

HA! At least the orcs have excuse of being tricked into drinking demon blood, night elfs were just being mean.

Probably not a lore claim but in my days of lurking here at times, I do roll my eyes at the occasional claim from a Horde player that some single Alliance player is bullying them in certain threads because said Alliance player made an unreasonable request about something, as what I’ve seen happen in very emotionally heated threads that involve wanting some form of revenge for things like Teldrassil or Theramore.

And yet it seems more like the Horde playerbase hold the vast majority of discussions and likes ratios in most of the threads on this particular part of the forum from what I’ve seen, some Alliance player can make an unreasonable desire for something surely and can be given a proper rebuttal on it, but I just have the hardest time thinking there’s some level of bullying on these forums when that rebuttal is rewarded 30+ likes and that one single Alliance “bully” is swiftly met with swarms of criticism and rebuttal to whatever unreasonable request they made.

Not to say Horde players are behaving like bullies on here either, I don’t think anyone wishes to act that way, but it looks far more like Horde have the advantage of engaging in group tactics compared to us Alliance here that just go it alone in most threads or don’t really pay much attention to investing in the likes ratio. (Which does make me think Alliance players are far more divided or unsure if they agree as a collective whole on a given discussion compared to Horde players.)

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Actually, Chronicle: Volume III covered on Page 113 that the Blood Elves had been afraid of the Forsaken back during the time of Classic WoW when discussing why the Forsaken joined the Horde:

    Sylvanas reached out to her former people in Quel'Thalas, asking them for sanctuary. She had given her life to protect them, and she expected something in return for her sacrifice. Yet her request was refused. The blood elves feared the undead and treated them as monsters.

I suppose my points do pertain more to the leadership of the Blood Elves and Darkspear, both of which have happily had their people work with the Night Elves. Your other points I responded to as well, you just didn’t respond back.


Yes good point! Everyone was terrified of the undead at the time, hence why syl, a familiar face was enough to win them over. So, does it make the most sense? No it does not, but is it at least reasonable? I think so. A former hero of quel’thalas offers aid, though during a rough time you’d probably more inclined to accept it.

Yea I was more so making the initial claim of ‘people use X meta reason to justify the lore on X case’ was in response to the thread. I Kinda derailed it (I dident intend to start arguing about whether they should of joined the horde or not), but none the less I only wanted to point out where I think you were really really wrong, im sure we’ve all been apart of that dance 1000 times no need to rehash it ALL AGAIN. :slight_smile:

Once again I point out to Rommath telling Lor’themar to give up the Ghostlands rather than accept Sylvanas’ “aid.”

To be fair, I, too, have rather been derailing the thread in pointing out where I think you are wrong, so I share in the blame as well.

Night elfs and blood elfs are alike in they they may hate each-other, but both derail threads lol.

Night Elves don’t hate Blood Elves, either. :stuck_out_tongue: