What level do I have to be to solo WoD and Legion raids?

The last time I played WoW was WoD, and I never did the raids, so I have so far missed out on the story for WoD, Legion, and BFA. I want to catch up and do the old raids so I can understand the story before Shadowlands. I’m level 51 right now. Am I able to solo the WoD and Legion raids? I know I can’t solo the BFA raids because max level for BFA is 50… So I’ll have to wait until 60 for that.

Also, does anyone know of a guide that I can read to figure out where I need to go in game to learn the story for these expansions? I have done Loremaster for WoD, most of Legion, and all of BFA so far.

You can solo WoD raids even mythic at fifty easily. Legion raids depending on the class you can do them all at sixty easily but mythic antorus for a few classes you’re gonna need a friend


you can solo everything before BFA at level 43 (for dungeons) and 45 (for mythic dungeons and 10 person raids) - I have been doing it in WOD with my level 45 character and he only has the level 45 gear and I have no problems, even with the bosses.

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Doubting you killed Archimonde on a 45 with even the best Legion gear available (ilvl 60), because I found a 49 twink can’t solo normal Legion dungeons and it takes an ilvl of 92+ on a tank to solo HFC. I carried 45’s through Legion mythic dungeons for a guild achieve and they were wiped by mechanics that didn’t touch me at all.


I have not tried Legion dungeons/raids with lower level characters but WOD stuff is a lot easier than it used to be and you can probably easily do it now. I soloed Archimonde around level 45 with ilevel45 gear (I am 49 now and I am soloing it on Heroic 25man) the only real problem is the dang ground. I can kill him quickly enough to have most of it left but I have to use Astral Shift to get over to the exit portal

I wish I could send a screenshot, but I think you can check achievements on characters, of course it doesn’t say it was soloed though…

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I found WoD to be slow at level 50 with about 50-70ilvl, but doable.

At 60 for Legion Mythic I recommand at least 230ilvl and a dps spec. For mythic Antorus, 250ilvl makes it better.

Yes, the idea of gearing up in current content for 5 years old content is silly.

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