What is your victory march theme?


Explode, flip the switch
Reload, trigger it
We will scorch the Earth

Yeah, since i have DBM installed every time i kill a boss i get that FinalFantsy riff at the end.

Eh, don’t really have anything off the top of my head that fits that kind of “victory theme”. Just not what I tend to listen to I suppose.

Here’s this anyway.

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lol good for you - nice surprise

Pre-victory pump

For that “last man standing” vibe…

But for late-expansion derp mode, I’m in the mood to find a beach and relax.

There can only be one:

March to Doom!


It also encompasses the Loot Council suspense afterwards too…


Here are others

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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A fellow guildie used to play this lmao

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Preußens Gloria.


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