What is your main's favorite food?

Rita isn’t my main (I don’t think I have one actualy) but she likes Dalaran Chocolate Cakes, whole cakes, larger than her. She eats one almost every time I log into her. Most people don’t know this, so keep it hush hush, but Rita is the void.


That’s unhealthy :o

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And I am a void for all type of berries and aggregate accessory fruits. I need more strawberries!

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Demon souls
They are delicious

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Tough question, Azeroth has so many excellent foods! Whenever I’m in Stormwind, I have to try whatever Elling Trias recommends when I’m feeling rich, but good, old Fine Aged Cheddar is always a treat.

But my absolute favourite comes from across the sea, the Kaldorei make the best stuff ever: Steamed Mandu! The best of that used to be found in Darnassus, but Feralas is the next best spot for it.

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Can I answer souls though? I feel like that should be a valid answer given Warlocks…

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Elves. No! Gnomes!

Vulpira whenever true cross faction bgs happen.

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The only thing my guys eaten is conjured mana buns so ig that

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Elf tears.

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As a paladin, I’m going to say angel hair pasta.

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I do love me some pineapple + ham pizza… but I’ve unfortunately had to give up on grains and dairy.

So, I guess I’d have to pick a nice, medium-rare steak with a baked potato.

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Souls are immaterial, right? so they count as low carb! Bad, evil food to eat, but healthy, I guess…?

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