Yes, I know that “ß” is actually the German esszet. Having a hard or sharp Ss sound and not a straight forward basic and blunt “B” or “Buh” sound as most often align it to in their name.
In accuracy name would read as MsSsombastic which would still technically work cause the collection of soft into a hard/sharp S sound would, sound like a fuse burning.
Well, I myself haven’t done anything of note. But many years ago my account was hacked by someone I used to consider a friend (no, I didn’t give him my login info. Idk how he got it; guy was a bit of a stalker). They ended up getting me banned and it was a process getting my account back. Who knows what infamous bs they pulled off in my name while they held control.
Nice try. I know what you did, and I’ll never forgive you.
Had a raid leader thank me for “carrying” the fight right after the kill during WoD. It was Mythic Mannoroth and I have no idea how true it is because I didn’t use addons back then. Felt good though!
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I’ve had my fair share of fame and infame.
Sometimes, due to sheer dumb luck, I’ve gotten away with tunneling a boss without dealing with any mechanics whatsoever. Then get kudos because I graced the top of the charts only because I was completely ignorant (or forgetful) of the mechanics of the fight.
I mean I didn’t have dps meters, but I knew the mechs lol.
Ok, fair enough. Just wondering. As I said, more than a few folks don’t know, and you’d actually be surprised at how many get legit mad when it is pointed out to them.
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I would presume that they aren’t getting mad that they’re “wrong.” It could rub people the wrong way because that’s immaterial to why they chose to use an odd character. You may be coming off as pedantic.
Lame? Like world 50-somethingth flame leviathan hard mode in ulduar. Totally coulda gone pro if I hadn’t thrown my shoulder out in '86 or whatever