“Director” of software development for a small transportation company in a rural area. When it’s just you and a jr developer though, there’s not a whole heck of lot of directing going on. The work itself is very much comparatively easier versus my last job, but because we are always 24/7, I’m perpetually on call, which is…uggh for my anxiety even if I almost never get any calls outside of “office” hours…
I also do some contract work for the county economic development office and that varies and averages out to just a few hours a month.
Mobile software dev (iOS/Android). Am capable of writing software for other platforms (and do in my spare time) but the markets for those are either too small or don’t pay as well.
It’s the kind of stuff that no-one in these forums would struggle with like setting the home page back to the internal home page, showing them things like being able to have two applications of Internet Explorer open at once (we have several programs that ONLY work on IE…still) and of course, physically beating the printer into submission (printers can sense fear, all the nurses are scared of it so I have to put it in it’s place when it jams).
I’m basically the “do we have to escalate this to the actual IT guys” guy by being virtue of being the youngest in the office at any given time by about 15-20 years.
Uh, actually, at my job one or two of the adjacent departments has those too. Kinda problematic when those companies/developers are no longer in business…
I worked on a couple of sites during the reign of IE 6/7… it couldn’t even render transparent PNG images properly without some incantation to summon a DirectX filter or some crap like that so most of the time you’d fake transparency by making an opaque image with the same background color as the page. Such a pain in the rear.
I’m basically the same in my office, except that I’m a middle-aged woman. A lot of the people that I work with are 20 years older, and the younger folks are more familiar with mobile phones and tech that’s actually up to date instead of our janky custom programs running in IE and Unix databases.