What is your favourite non-damaging spell (ability) in the game?

Mine is Ring of Peace. it has so many uses. I love helping players getting ganked in WPvP, dropping a RoP on them and assisting, feels good.

What are your favourites?

The answer to this is obviously Blink/Shimmer.

Now though, I guess fel rush and the double jump combos have taken over.

But I’m still partial to blink.

metamorphosis basically

Double jump.

Agreed, always try to double jump on my other characters when I swap off my DH, get so used to it.

Ice trap. Oh you’re hearth is about to finish casting? Not anymore. Have had some great prank battles in wpvp with ice trap against alliance

Not even out yet but Door of Shadows. A third more targeted blink or a thing that makes DKs move marginally faster? I’m IN. Also the animation is wicked.

As for abilities that you can use in BFA, probably Healing Rain so I can say my healing is actually just the DPS standing in poo making me cry.

Stealth/Prowl. I’m so tired of my pretty face drawing too much attention, especially those uninvited boops, I’m socially awkward and I don’t know how to respond to those.



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Entangling roots. >:)

My bread and butter pre-starsurge Nike.

Tame beast, is that too obvious?

This one does some damage, but I love it for the way it looks, and the ability to slam yourself down almost anywhere - Heroic Leap.

My favorite move in the game.

Stealth, it lets me sneak.

Probably feign death and harpoon…fd is handy, and harpoon is just plain fun.

Druid flight form. It’s instacast which is always a bonus but you can also have lots of fun with it. I love jumping off high peaks and timing flight form just right so you don’t go splat.

It could count as a damaging spell though if you have a passenger who dies from fall damage :thinking::thinking:

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Shadowmeld, or Feign Death. Because running away takes too much time. And there’s still that aggro bug…

so for now my favorite has to be play dead on beastmaster ive made alot of people laugh by just randomly killing my pets
but when shadowlands comes out its going to be the fox transformation

I might be crazy but mine is Far Sight.

When I want to cause trouble in world PvP, (at least in the past) I was able to chain far sights to find my targets rather than run around aimlessly.

This is also my version of “flying around Org because I’m bored.” It’s relaxing just far-sighting all the way to feralas from org

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Path of Frost. While fishing.