What is your favorite era of WoW and why?

I was really into ICC Wrath era, MoP Throne of Thunder and Seige of Org, BfA azshara and N’zoth patch, and oh yeah Cata last patch too hour of twilight. Idk why it’s always towards the end I get so hyped up usually but it isn’t all of them.

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For me personally, probably different eras for different reasons.

Vanilla because we didn’t have cross server stuff and everyone was exploring WoW together for the first time. We had player run server wide events and players often recognized other players. But man was there a lot of drama and people were outraged about things that are considered silly these days (maybe that part hasn’t changed so much).

I liked MoP due to some of the aesthetic and it added some things I enjoyed like pet battling. I was also doing a lot of progression raiding back then and that was really fun at the time but I don’t have the energy for that now. Plus the Halfhill music was amazing.

DF also has some good memories as I feel it was much better than SL and BFA. There was a good amount of QoL changes and I had a lot of friends resub for it and we got to play together.

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Lich King by far. 40 man raids on the regular without too much fuss, Dungeons were gorgeous and fleshed out. We didnt use Discord or Vent, I never ‘spoke’ to my guildies IRL. Sadly that account and era lost in time.

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2012-2018 mop to legion i had so much fun

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MoP had some of the most beautiful zones, and the music was some of the best as well. Are you hyped for MoP Classic?


Legion, I loved the story (especially the Rogue Order Hall story) and the Class fantasy for almost all (Hunter was disappointing), especially, naturally, Demonology Warlock (Thal’kiel’s commentary through Raids and Dungeons was great fun).


The era I like most is now, with war within, nice mogs, good solo content being slowly added, road maps things to expect from the future of wow so on. Story seems good as well, really enjoying the nerubians one of my favourite factions.


I started in BC and raided until WoD, for me MoP was the last of the great expansions.


legion was my favorite for me, its when casters finally clicked for me, its when i met my best friend in the world, and i had genuinely great memories with the game in that era of wow.


I’ll probably dabble in it. Unsure how hard I will go since we had MoP Remix recently and that scratched that itch somewhat. I’ll probably make a character though and mess around a bit at least.

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Take out WoD and replace it with Wotlk - MoP. That’s mine.

I started in BC, and after the selfie patch in WoD, my friends’ list has gone dark and never recovered. Not even my brother, who got me into this game, still plays. And I haven’t really clicked with any online friends since MoP. This game is basically a solo game for me now.


Vanilla was so incredible and will always be my favourite time in this game. It was so huge and the danger of the world was ever present. I distictly remember being blown away by the footprints my dwarf character left in the snow and the utter lack of load screens anywhere. It blew my mind at the time. And it was the first time in Azeroth, nothing beats that. Classic was also great for me (and happened when retail was garbo), and I played with no questing addons and no internet help. It took forever to reach 60 and I loved it.

WoD was my next favourite. I still remember walking through those grasses with the fiddlehead ferns in shadowmoon valley. It was the first time that the foliage parted around us as we ran through. I loved those details. The questing/levelling was so good, i loved the storylines on both horde and alliance. But the PvP was what kept me playing. So many classes were fun to play and levelling and gearing alts was enjoyable and quick (even without doing rated).

Then came the dark years of PVP gearing of Legion-Shadowlands…

I will say that Legion had so much else going for it though and find it my 3rd fav. The class stories were so good. I loved all the artifact appearances, the mage tower challenges and all the amazing transmog. I actually raided for the first time and even got ahead of the curve on Nighthold. The stories of the order halls felt personal and i loved the little touches like the storm elementals not attacking you if you had the ele artifact weapon. Or, Kadgar sharing how unsettling it was to see the assassination rogue weapons.

Overall the world feeling big and alive in vanilla was amazing. I miss being a no-name hero and the story that was created through your adventure. The storyline and levelling during WoD was amazing. The PvP experience during WoD was amazing (gearing is now finally good again yay!). And the personal storytelling of Legion with those extra touches was amazing. And I love transmog.

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Classic hard what lmao youre full of it. Classic is so easy its boring. its why classic servers die after a month of their releases

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You did something I couldn’t lol. After 40 or so I had to give in and use add-ons. I got so lost and couldn’t find any quests.

WoD had potential to be a good expansion, but they axed it before they were even halfway done. Despite all the hate that it gets, I had a lot of fun in it. The raids and PvP were great, and the zones were fun too.

Legion was a mixed bag imo. Like you said, the Class Halls and storylines were fun, and the artifact weapon appearances were enjoyable, especially the Mage Tower. But on the other hand They made a lot of changes that I just couldn’t get behind. The Legendaries were hard to farm and you couldn’t choose the one you’re wanting until much later into the expansion. It wasn’t “bad” by any stretch, but I spent much less time on WoW since Legion.

It was more fun being some no-name adventurer rather than being the chosen one, But it’s the way things went. Retail has it’s moments, but I’m really happy they made Classic.

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For me it was Cataclysm because I’ve played WoW from the very start but gave up due to many reasons. Too young to understand, the difficulty, the grind… So, I didn’t come back until Cataclysm which really had me fully understanding the game. At the same time, I was able to play WoW long enough to remember almost everything when it came to the exploration aspects, so seeing the utter destruction that Cataclysm brought, figuratively and literally, I was giving newfound interest and ever since then, I was back to liking Blizzard games. Of course that magic is gone but I’m still a fan of them.


I didn’t even use general chat to ask. I was on an RP-PVP server and only asked using /say.

There was one time i saw this rogue Clearly into RP and I hired him to help me find an NPC for my water totem quest. We were in Hilsbrad and I had no idea where to find her. He took me to the Undercity and got us both disguises to smuggle me onto the blimp. We had to salute the airship guards a certain way and eventually made our way to that NPC just outside of Ratchet. It was the coolest quest I had ever been on and it was just a go talk to this NPC quest lol.

It was well over 12 days /played to get to 60 on that character.


My new favorite era is the one by Project Ascension. Conquest of Azeroth is the best of classic and burning Crusade with cataclysm style graphics and fully customizable characters. I have a gnome, druid, paladin, and necromancer that are super fun to play and don’t have any of the gold sink requirements or restrictions of retail.


It is WoD for me, the only reason is Ashran. And to be specific, the very original Ashran when it is still an open pvp zone!


Classic was not DIFFICULT. It was just slow and very tedious. Most classes only had a few attack spells and nothing really synergized together. The only thing I like about classic is that the open world was actually dangerous and needed to group up for certain areas.


Grats on hitting 60 though. That’s not easy without guides.

I don’t RP much but there was a few times that I did. It’s the small moments like that, that make me enjoy WoW. That journey you had with the Rogue sounds like it was a blast :slight_smile:

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