What is your favorite dog breed?



Yorkie. Doesn’t shed. The most important thing. I can’t understand people who can handle dog hair inside the house.

I’m not huge “pet inside the house” person, but at least Yorkie or whatever their name is, they don’t shed and they are clean

Don’t have one but I love my English Lab.
She’s finally calming down after 9 months lol.


I have a black lab/boxer mix and he’s really cute.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Most lovable dog I’ve ever come across.


Chihuahua :dracthyr_a1:

When I was a baby I was given a Chihuahua puppy by my Pop so guess it’s no real surprise that they’d end up being my favourite breed :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Unfortunately though he was murdered by my Father when I was 13 rather then take him to the Vet he decided to take him into his shed telling me to wait outside when he came out he was dead wrapped in a Blanket :dracthyr_cry_animated:

From memory my father claimed there was a lump on his head supposedly of which I never saw and my Father decided to burst it giving him a heartattack.

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Rottweiler, Belgian Malinois, American Staffordshire Terriers, Mutts. Not in any particular order. Also, “designer breeds” are mutts, stop trying to convince yourself (general you) otherwise. I’m also a firm believer that breeders and buyers of brachycephalic breeds encourage/support animal abuse, the number of English/French bulldogs, Boston terriers etc I see come into work who can barely function due to health is sickening.



Japanese chin, silly looking sometimes but they’re pretty cute. I miss the one I had though, he lived a full life :dracthyr_cry_animated:

(post deleted by author)

I have a black cat, and have helped take care of/raise several dogs of close friends/family, but never had a dog of my own.

I’m not particular about the breed, but I want a solid black-coated dog, to match my cat, perhaps as my next pet.

Black cats are often mistreated because rumored to be bad luck/evil, and I want a black dog because they are said to be omens, and also guardians of hell and/or servants of the devil.

Pretty badass.

Black labs are cool, and everyone loves labs. Knew an old black lab as a child that was a teacher’s pet she brought into elementary school, and he was the best dog ever. Would just follow us kids wherever we went, and was our guardian without any adults around.


My blue nose pitt is the cutest youve ever seen. Shes a weenie tho, afraid of her own farts.

Hate the deed not the breed.


Never had a dog, but I’ve always loved Beagles:


That’s a gross stereotype. In the last 10 years working in a vet clinic only one client pitbull bit someone, in that same 10 year span we had 23 Labradors bite (12 of those requiring trips to the the hospital), 18 golden retriever bites and a whopping 73 golden doodle bites. The number of attempted maulings from small breeds that ranged to barely a mark to upwards of 30 stitches would shock you.


Your dane is blue? I have a mocha latte newfoundland

Sheltie. I had one as a kid and she was a wonderful dog.


Border Collie and German Shepard.

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standard poodle.

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not pitbulls or rotweillers for obvious reasons

i like huskies


Seeing as how mine was a mutt mixed breed and she lived for 15 and a half years that by far is my most favorite.

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