? What is this?

Actually MM is about 20% behind because that’s how percentages work. And that’s just the US. In EU it’s about half.

This is also number of games. Obviously there are a lot more games happening at lower, less-competitive brackets where MM holds up better because, as I say, MM holds up better in less competitive PvP and larger fights and it gets worse as the fights get smaller and the ratings get higher. Arenamate tracks by number of players and not games, and there it has the BM/MM/SV split at roughly 40/20/40 i.e. both BM and SV are twice as represented.

Recall that the entire original point here was that uninformed unskilled players like the OP complain mainly about MM even though it’s not the premier hunter PvP spec. You’re not disagreeing with that. You even directly agree with it in your previous post:

You’ve now spent several posts agonising over how I’m wrong and uninformed before saying the same thing. This is what I mean by “contrarianism”. You’re just looking for an argument even when there is none, and you’ll happily derail a thread in the process.

Let’s look back at the other example I linked from January:

The same pattern. I respond to the OP in a thread about what SV does that BM doesn’t, specifically the claim that SV is all about fighting alongside its pet. I responded pointing out that a) BM can also fight alongside this pet and this isn’t a unique capability, and b) Survival has heavily drifted towards ranged despite still using a melee weapon, to the point where that in PvP it’s played at ranged much and even most of the time depending on the enemy comp. Fully relevant to the thread. You came in and spent a bunch of posts agonising over that even though your post history is littered with posts arguing that SV is not truly melee in PvP and spends much of the time at range. No disagreement but you’ll still strive for the argument no matter what, even when it derails the thread into irrelevant nonsense.