What is this LMAO

Op weekly dose of human interaction


I actually like Biebz, he’s so good-natured, and lovable. But agree on the rest.

Honestly you guys gotta quit reporting Fatnose, he’s the only true showman left in town. Lol


I’ve always appreciated a good menty b.



jeez. despite my best efforts, i dont qualify? the bar is insanely high these days wtf

i guess its just like actual pvp. we have all been at this for 10+ years, nowadays’ challengers were back-in-the-days’ gladiators

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Someone point this out a few days back, all the mentioned and unmentioned “trolls” get no love or positive engagement or second chances, except Bieber. He gets a pass no matter how played out, cringe or just straight annoying his posts or threads are.

He can impersonate people everyday, post the same tired memes everyday from
Multi accounts, keep posting about arena when he literally has never played a single round… and all this wil be
Overlooked and everyone will just be totally fine about it.

Must be nice

Miss murk rn. Guy was like a friendlier version of Swole.


What happened to that fox that always complained about multi boxing

Or that panda that thought blizzard can do no wrong and anyone who did mythic were gods amongst men

Giznator who is beedie who was a big rmt/wintrader conspiracy theorist.

Don’t think I know that guy?

I’ve never known Biebz to be malicious in his intent, which is why I’ve never minded him. But I’m probably a bad point of reference anyway, I don’t really care about Dozer, Swole, etc. I actually used to think Dozer was funny until he got lazy, and Swole is whatever now that he isn’t trying to roast every 1400 player who posts here.

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Im about to make a comeback

Also tbh everyones just too busy talking trash and having fun in the Arena Forums Offical Discord Server™

Exploit early, exploit often. The WoW PVP Mantra.

loosely related but a rogue just blind sapped me a couple matches ago



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Be careful. You’ll summon a certain 3200 shuffle xp ret that got to play to their full potential when their class was finally balanced.


Hold on you gave like zero context. What’s the problem?..

They’re bad and won’t improve themselves with Dalaran sewer duels

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Good, see ya bye.

No it’s what I did in my pants earlier after eating taco bell


In the 20-29 bracket of Classic?