What is the worst (serious) suggestion you've heard for world of Warcraft

I know you put serious up there in brackets but I’m still going with the dwarf that wants people to be able to get their characters pregnant and have new players spawn as children.

He could be 100% committed to that idea, Poe’s law n’ all that.


Idk necrodruids are sort of a thing with kul tiran. Could be a thing.

X’cuse me? We worship da loa. Living gods who speak witch us. Zandalar “paladins” draw dere powah from a god! Who just happens to take da form of a “dinosaur”. What 'bout your “light” that be an abstract concept.


Got implemented.

Pathfinder. It sucks let me fly at max and let people who don’t want to stay on the ground.


Obviously it was Real ID.

It was one of the more insane ideas in gaming history.

I’ve seen someone wanting to add Donald Trump as the king of stormwind

“If you don’t like flying mounts, just don’t fly.”

“If pre-endgame leveling is too easy, just don’t equip any gear.”

“If you don’t want to raid, then don’t raid, no one’s forcing you to get geared.”

wrong. BRF was launch content. it went live before the patch. So that makes the patch even worse.

Back in Wrath, I remember seeing someone get super mad about how “easy” the Lich King fight was, so they went and wrote their ideal version.

What they proposed was atrocious, it was like a 12 phase battle, every phase had multiple mechanics that would wipe the raid if one person screwed up, and each phase would’ve taken at least 5 minutes to complete. I wish I could remember the specifics, but the only phase I can recall basically involved Arthas hopping on Invincible and flying around the platform, and you had to re-fight Sindragosa in her entirety while Arthas dropped a bunch of knockback bombs on the raid that, if they ever hit anyone, would immediately launch them off the platform.

These are facts not suggestions

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Raid or Die
Player v Player combat
Factions limiting player grouping
Blood Elves on Horde instead of Horde getting Ogres and Alliance getting High Elves.
Bring the Player not the Class

Any git gud comment ever, especially GC’s

Limiting character progression to only raiding.
Limiting race/class combinations.
Making PvE balance changes because of PvP.
Restricting flight.
Allowing cheating through multiboxing.

Oh wait those are all actually real. reeeeeeeeeeee

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There’s some really weird stuff in my bookmark list but this is the best uhhhh I mean worst:



That raiding was harder content than high keys

“Get rid of LFR, casuals don’t deserve nice things”


Supporting the removal of Metamorphosis from Demonology and replacing it with summoning a bunch of imps to yeet at an enemy. Also, that people say Demonology Warlocks should summon a bunch of imps but giving control and being possessed by a demon is way too far. These are mainly supported by people who never play Demonology.

That thread the other day about wiping the game clean, including every character, and knocking everything back to Classic for a complete restart.


Pregnancy. This isn’t a joke, someone wanted a lottery system where one would be a father and the other pregnant with their child. It would also be mandatory.


I’ll bite.

No one likes my idea of having to level in each Expansion to progress to the next. You could play in Classic and stay there or choose to finish out each expansion.

Everyone would be phased in the appropriate expansion. You would never see Catazeroth until you elected to leave Wrath.

Everyone was like, you’d never see anyone…blah blah emptiness. Also, all the WoD hate.


geez, too many to mention

void elf normal hair
eliminate race restrictions for class
allow races to choose which faction they want to be apart off