What is the date we have to be transferred by

Do we have to move by pre launch - April 30th or Cataclysm - May 20th? We can still be playing on the server we are on now at the beginning of Cataclysm?

“We will be moving all remaining characters on these realms to a new destination at some point after the launch of Cataclysm Classic”

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By that wordage I assume that they’ll automatically move the characters shortly after May 20th.

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So we have up to May 20th to transfer on our own? We don’t have to do it before April 30th?

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You’ll likely have little more time but yes you should decide where your characters go before May 20th.

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You’ll have until some time after May 20’th.

Blizzard has not said exactly when. They may not have even picked a date yet.

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I’d assume they’d want it wrapped up as soon as possible once Cata drops so I’d transfer asap.

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I’ve asked Blizzard half a dozen times “What happens to our guild bank tabs, and the money we spent on it?” They ignore the question.

Does anyone know? I have a few guild banks on a closing realm.

It goes poof, so that you’ll be compelled to buy tokens at your new destination.

It is May 15th, and I cannot free transfer any of my toons to any of the destinations servers for free, I would have to pay today.


You’ll could just load the bags of whom your transferring. If you’ve # alts you should manage to take a good chunk with you, maybe.

Are you in the character select screen for those servers when you are checking?

Verify you are in the character select ON the servers listed and then open the store page from character selection. Its the only way to make the free transfers show up. They won’t show up if you are logged into a character or on the store website.