What is the best way to advance the Alliance's story?


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I am a fan of Blood Elves, but I can’t complain like the Forsaken or Pandaren or even the Dwarves. They are really put on a shelf, or in the case of the Forsaken, purposefully knocked off the shelf and left a shattered mess on the ground.

No, the Blood Elves have definitely had screen time and development. I can not complain there. Even if we put BC aside as “their” Expac - they were a big part of Wrath, and we were introduced to the Sanlyan. In MoP, they have a lot going on. In WoD, Liadrin affirms her good relations with the Draenei, which is almost called back to in Legion in the Argus Campaign, when they are invited to board the Vindicaar.

And Suramar? They put the full court press on diplomatic relations during and afterward. And in BfA, we got nods to the Purge, Liadrin leading a Warfront, and Lorthemar expressing disdain for Void Elves in Lordaeron only to join the revolt by the end. And we got the Heritage Questline with the long desired Spell Breaker look.

The Pandas have been ignored since MoP. The Forsaken were used as a prop for Sylvanas and discarded. The Dwarves are pretty ignored, too. They got the Heritage Armor, but the quest was kind of dull. I was disappointed - yet, my Dwarf still wears it with pride.


in my own opinion, the alliance was at it best with internal strife and different point of views.

the debatte about “what is justice, what is moraly right”, was interesting as long as different point of views challenged each other.

We have plenty of races in the alliance, with entire different point of views about the terms justice, morality and what is right and what is wrong, as long as no common enemy unite the alliance, this different povs should constantly clash…and bring an deeper understanding toward the alliance.

on top of this, the human of sturmwind must be lose their “powerhouse of the alliance Position”, this was and will allways deliever problems, the alliance is a alliance of equal powerfull kingdoms.


Idk, maybe… Pro? I just think they you explore more faces of the light

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I now want two stories one serious and one silly. The serious one being a quest/quest chain were players choose one of the three faiths and attempt to prove its value. The silly one involves a priestess of Elune, a Draenei Vindicator, and a Human priest of the Holy Light arguing in a bar. And every time the argument gets too heated they all take a drink.


Sounds fine to me. Along with a Horde quest where you have to help set up Baine and Mayla and Lor’Themar and Thalyssra on a double-date. WoW could use some intentional silliness, instead of the unintentional black comedy trainwreck that the BFA/Shadowlands storylines have become.


The only thing I’m okay with setting Baine up for is a permanent stay in The Maw.


Even the Jailer is like - who left this trash here?

A legitimately deserving citizen of the maw imo.

At this point, I no longer care about the lore. I just want more customisations for my Night Elves, and I want a Night Elf Paladin, if not a Shaman.

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Remember when for almost all of beta, the player had to buy a trapped Baine from Ve’nari after he was discarded the second time?

So you want the horde to have a raid for Stormwind next expansion. I’ll pass

If they’re a Lightforged Draenei they’ll probably win if Lightforging enhances their stamina.

I really need to get back to buying Warcraft books. This whole pandemic thing has made my old habits impossible.

The NE just got more customisation than nearly every other race. We still don’t know when or even if the other allied race and race with less customisation will have new one. It is fair to assumed that if the night elf do get other customisation, it wont be in the few next expansion.

I’m a bit late to the party but frankly I think the most important fundamental detail that needs fixing is the definition of the Alliance as just that - an alliance.

It’s not a confederation. It should not have a high king. It should be a mutually agreed upon alliance of independent nations who pool their resources somewhat in spheres such as the military and intelligence to better coordinate their movements against enemies and threats. There should be a supreme military commander appointed by the rulers of each alliance nation, who are equals. That way there is a clear chain of command but the military commander remains accountable to the nations he or she serves.

Personally I think that’s the biggest issue.


This would be awesome!

Ha! I like it

But you forget, according to Ethriel the Night Elves are all dead… a long forgotten race never to be seen or heard from again.

So sad.


They are actively moving in this direction. Nothing good has happened in the last fifteen years.