What is the actual 2 button class?

inb4 people say BM hunter

and yeah, it’s a candidate. rotational abilities are bestial wrath, barbed shot, kill command, cobra shot, muti shot to apply cleave. Cooldowns are call of the wild and (i guess) death chakram

there are a lot of classes with very few actual rotational spells but they’ll have buffs and cooldowns to be applied on top of the meat and potatoes. plus defensives, utility, etc


DH also, both specs but especially Vengeance.

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10 char


Download GSE, get the hunter cast-sequence for GSE, voila! 2-Button Class for BM Hunter.

GSE on Curseforge:

Wait, does SteamDeck support add-ons?! lol

Does this addon allow for if checks/commands? I used to use an addon back in og wow called hateme, it was a tanking addon for pwar.

It used a prio list of things to cast and checked each condition on the list. Conditions for example were sunder armor stackcount, rage amount, enemy target target, player health %- i have been in search of something similar for years after blizz broke it.

Sorry, I don’t personally use it (a friend does and swears by it for his BM Hunter). I would guess it’s limited to the conditionals you can specify in ordinary macros. See the pinned topic over in UI and Macro forums.

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ConsolePort addon is pretty much mandatory for portable PC WoW with a controller format factor.

You can play any class with it.

My sister plays BM Hunter too on her AyaNeo 2. Up to mid M+ keys.

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Can you not set modifier (Ctrl/Alt/Shift) on L1 and R1?

While I’m super dooper casual my spec is basically two buttons - Bloodthirst and Rampage, though I’m meant to use Whirlwind on cooldown as well.

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Subtlety rogue should be pretty easy to pull off.

What are my 2 buttons?

i mean u know the 2 that make ya ya know

“Dash Out of Range” and “Dash Out of LoS.”


I know this will sound unhelpful to this case, but you can use the triggers to sorta make combos for spells on your face buttons.

But to answer this question specifically, Classic vanilla Frost Mages. Otherwise idk.

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Hahah how to say you don’t play a ret without saying you don’t play a ret. We are not a 2 button spec. Period.

To the question no spec in wow can use two buttons and do competitive DPS. Doesn’t exist.


Havoc DH with chaos strike and blade dance. You have CD’s but literally every DPS has cooldowns. You just end up auto-attacking enemies and spamming chaos strike with the occasional blade dance. And if you’re feeling spicy, use eye beams > meta > eye beams lol. Most of the DPS you’ll find has more than 2 buttons but you can usually reduce them back to 2 button eventually. That’s my 2cents though. You won’t be topping charts this way though lol, but you will and can kill a lot of open world stuff with it.

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ret, bm, mm, destro & devoker are braindead 1234 specs

It’s not a 2 button spec but ‘easy mode’ Demonology Warlock has so few keybinds that I have bound my CC’s to my normal attack buttons even.

ret does have quite a few cds and utility but lets not pretend the spec isn’t literally a 3 button rotation.


Evoker in general is pretty easy, not many buttons, and a lot of targeted Evoker abilities have smart targeting so you you’re always buffing/healing somebody regardless of whether you’re targeting someone or not. Someone on Reddit managed to get Keystone Master with Preservation on Steam Deck.