What is one feature from another game you wish WoW had?

The ability to reduce my level and run low-level dungeons for current end-game stuff (ap, gold, heroic dungeon-level gear). RIFT does this and it makes for lots of extra content.


ffxiv player housing.

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FF XIV Hunts would be fun in this game. Also, you only work for flying ONCE. Syncing is also a superior system for scaling, which keeps old content relevant, makes scaling optional, and allows for a mentor system for new/returning players. Lastly, since one character can be all classes, rep grinds are one and done.

ESO crafting and housing…maybe the questing too. There aren’t many fetch quests, and most of the quests are story-driven and meaningful instead of simple errands designed to impede leveling speed.

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So basically you want to buff Timewalking loot and make it available year round?

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I think an a bodyguard from the start of the game would be cool. As soon as you start playing being able to pick NPC’s to follow you and scatter new ones all around the world and make people go explore and do different things to unlock and use them would be awesome.

Kind of just spinning off your idea, but I agree.

Hey, fellow Knight of the Ebon Blade! :]

I suppose that would be acceptable. Basically, in rift, a player could “mentor down” to a level - say, matching a friend who is making a new character - and your “mentored-down” toon would retain skills but at diminished stats. This worked for instanced content as well as open-world. Thus making pursuits such as Loremaster a bit more engaging, perhaps.

Edit to add: it would be a means to “open-up” more content that is otherwise “closed” to those whose levels exceed the content threshold - not necessarily a new gearing path.

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Since personally I can’t see group finder ever going away on retail I would say an LFD / LFR system much more akin to FFXIV’s w/ all small to medium group content available at all times. I like timewalking, would prefer if it were not limited to X week here and there.

That aside, a personal housing system that’s not garrisons which I didn’t care for. Wildstar comes to mind.

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Housing based off of the runescape model, it’s one of the really good aspects of that game tbh, something you can sink hundreds of hour into for straight up fun.

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Buildable siegeable environment. Basically wow meets survival sandbox with quests cinematics and raids.

Another Rift wish.
The ability to understand the opposing faction.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say I would wish we could group with them and have both factions in the same guild as you can on Rift, (but I guess that could work on a PvE server?) but c’mon.

Professions from any number of other games. I think WoW has been doing a disservice to professions for a long time.

Black Desert Online’s charecter customization.

  1. Fun, rewarding content.
  2. A true companion system, where you can gear them and chose talents.
  3. Gear vendors.
  4. The ability for Alts to buy gear from all vendors and email it to any toon of choice.

Sounds like old school wintergrasp with more investment in an RTS/persistent occupation, but seige-able whenever.

Sounds cool to me!

That’s right. I forgot about that. Though, I’m pretty sure there’s a potion on RP severs in WoW that allows others to communicate beyond language barriers. Tongues? Or some such.

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Never played Wildstar, but Star Wars Galaxies had an excellent housing system where every single item in the game had a 3D model and could be placed with extreme precision anywhere in your house as a decoration. I’d LOVE to see that system in WoW, minus the part where you could place houses almost anywhere in the game world because that just wouldn’t work in WoW.


Also winged flight, please

Just… make the wings more than paper thin textures, please

And I didn’t play SWG but I’m sure I’ve heard it used as an example whenever housing comes up. A really solid personal housing system that’s just cosmetic and fun for RP purposes is on my wishlist for WoW, has been forever.

I give it 70/30 against that it will ever happen. Gotta dream right :slight_smile:

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I too would like dye’s. They were a lot of fun in swtor. Would be nice to get rare drops of dye. Oh and make brewing of beer a profession.

I’m not particularly fond of the way SWTOR handles dyes tbh, being limited to preset combinations of colors drives me crazy as does having certain combinations be more rare than others.