What is N'zoth going to do?

Ah! You’re right! I looked up what you referenced and realized it’s a Lovecraft reference.

shame indeed!

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Nothing, Blizzard will just forget about them, and leave a big cliff hanger that will not be resolved until the next epansion.

This is likely the case. N’zoth might be the end raid for the xpac but it’ll be another “such and such was just a setback!” moment to set up for the next xpac. That’s my guess.

Then Sylvanas will be overthrown but painted as Illidan 2.0. “I was working to overthrow the Old Gods all along!”

To add to this, even when a Titan - Aman’thul - 86’d Y’shaarj, there was still lingering effects. To me, this also helps explain how the old gods are, to at least some degree, outside ‘the circle.’

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Well, he’s got tentacles. Azshara has tentacles. N’Zoth has Azshara.

I think you can see where this is going.

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“At the hour of her third death, she will usher in our coming.”

I believe this is Azshara and we will fight her one last time, but all powered up and mutated by N’zoth.

Like Deathwing was at the end of Dragon Soul.


He’s going to move in with his cousin for a while so he doesn’t have to live in an old god halfway house… then he’s got a no-work construction gig waiting for him since he’s going to have to look like he’s making an honest effort for his P.O.

Fuh-get about it!

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Rise of the Black Empire incoming!
Really I don’t know what N’zoth is going to be doing or going to do yet. This is my thinking and hope that N’zoth doesn’t die in a patch but have his own expansion.
Opening cinematic for 9.0: Dark shadows falls across Azeroth (its not a tidal wave like Azshara’s warbringers cinematic) But Nzoth Black Empire rising!
Ok that is all I got. But yeah we don’t know what is in store YET.


I kinda like the idea of the whole Azshara/Nzoth storyline ending exactly where it’s at (AFAIK).

They just disappear and never come back and no one ever mentions it again.

We just move forward like it didn’t happen.

N’zoth wants to

  1. Defeat the Void
  2. Defeat Us
  3. Defeat the Titans

Turns out the black empire’s size and power was wildly over-hyped and it was actually just the Darkmoon Faire all along. N’zoth’s grand ambition is simply to install a dunk tank game.


The problem is killing an old god could hurt Azeroth couldn’t it?

Here’s my idea:

The skies over Azeroth darken, followed by N’zoth’s voice over.

A nelf and forsaken fighting in Feralas look up to the sky to see a baleful eye glaring down upon them, and a swarm of silithid pouring from Silithus.

We get a shot of Mekkatorque, Erazmin and Mimiron looking at a titan console. Only to run hurridly away as the entire facility shakes, and tentacles chase after them. We then see the entirety of Icecrown shake and waver as they escape.

Finally, we are treated to pillars of black obsidian bursting through the sea. Sweeping up a Kul Tiran and Zandalari warship.

The new Cinematic should feature the allied races, to show they are now a part of the factions.

Find a cheesy one liner.

something like… “you are not prepared”

People don’t realize that N’zoth is Azeroth. A is the 1st letter of the alphabet, E is the 5th letter of the alphabet, R is the 18th and N is the 14th.

5-1 = 4. 18 - 4 = 14! Take A, E, and R out of Azeroth and add the 14th letter in and you get…Nzoth!

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I like the flashback to Warcraft 3 opening cinematic, only with Kal’dorei and Forsaken and not Orc and Human.

And something where MORE of Azeroth is involved. I’m a bit “meh” on the whole “localized conflict” as a surrogate for a world-wide expansion (BFA’s “battle for lordaeron,” and LEGION’s broken shore as examples). Your example captures this sentiment well, I think, with the northrend and beyond examples.

Go to Disneyland?

Something is stirring in the Great Dark. Something we’ve all failed to see. N’Zoth has seen it and it troubles him. Whatever it is is coming not only for us but for him as well. Whatever it is, the Light knows about it and has made some sort of deal with it. “It grows hungrier…bolder” “The Light has made a deal with the enemy of all.” Whatever it is, everything that exists seems to be its enemy including the Light and the Void. Since the Legion invasion, he has been warning us, using his minions to tell us that something is coming and of everything currently in play, only he has the power to stop it. Because truly the only thing that compares to a fully freed old god is a titan. Yet the titans haven’t seen this threat. They’ve been busy as have we, with their bro Sargeras. We’ve been distracted and in that distraction something has pressed its advantage. What could possibly make an old god worry enough to try and recruit mortals to his cause? We’re ants, meaningless nothing to him. He could crush every mortal city within days and leave us all in ruins but he needs us for something. Obviously releasing him was the first thing he needed from us. But he’s free now and with his freedom not only did he purposely leave us alive, he made sure to protect the one who has never failed him, Azshara, the greatest sorceress Azeroth has ever seen. He’s building an army that he plans to make us a part of. For what? That’s the big question here. What is coming that the Light feels the need to bargain with and the Void fears?

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It’s going to begin with after Mulgore, he will erupt the world with tons of abberations invading Azeroth to wipe us out.

I imagine we’ll gank him first.