What is N'zoth going to do?

Fixed that for you :rofl: (I never get tired of that one :taco:)

Probably host some Trump rallies.

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Only until the next tier boss is released, will they ever get eternal slumber.

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It’s been heavily implied that he’s gonna ressurect a bunch of the cultists and such that we’ve killed to build a massive army to crush us.

Depends on what the next xpac is - the writers may completely forget about him and decide to send us to another dimension in service of the Holy Hamster of Happy.


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We killed C’thun and Yoggsaron did we not? N’zoth is cannonically by lore the weakest of the old gods, and we killed them expansions ago.

Hes gonna free the rest of the gods. We’re screwed.

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No you didn’t. You killed what amounts to the tip of a pinky finger poking out of their prisons, and then re-sealed their prisons.

N’zoth has been freed entirely. You’re not just fighting his pinky tentacle.


And this is where in lore?

Considering we go into Yoggies prison and kill him…and C’thuns as well. We don’t have him appear, we go into their cell and jack their stuff up

When Bran and Khadgar traveled to Ulduar to meet Magni Bronzebeard, saronite vapors flooded Ulduar’s antechamber and faceless ones attacked them as an Old God, presumably Yogg-Saron given the location and saronite, whispered in their minds.

There’s also the source material of old gods not really being killed in the conventional sense. Which is common in Lovecraft works.


Could be an echo, or essence. They could be dead, not not dead. All we can go on is their physical form is dead, which would still be killing a god. Cenarius has been killed how many times now? Yeah they could use any retcon or god power to introduce them if they wanted, but only definitived proof is we killed them…so there is no reason to think we couldn’t with N’zoth either, again being the weaker of the 4 sent to azeroth.

Except, why would N’zoth, a tricky individual, fight you in his prison. He’s not there anymore. When you fought Yogg-Saron and C’thun. You were fighting itty-bitty ones that just wiggled a bit of their mass through the hole.

In reality, they’re the size of mountains. Just look at their artwork, and the Azshara warbringer.

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He’s planning a birthday party for Azeroth. We’re all invited, as the feast.

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I never said we would fight N’zoth in his prison…you confuse my response about the others and him. I just said he would get sargera’s sword and reward it as a drop for STR 2hndrs when defeated. You autofilled in alot of your own information there to go from what I said to us fighting him in his prison now that he has been released man.

Write a juicy tell-all novel?

He could call it The Audacity of Hopelessness, or something like that.

Except, the Old Gods are implied to not be that movable. And that killing them will cause a massive wound to open up on Azeroth from where they’ve been embedded.

I think that’s a common misconception. N’Zoth may be the weakest Old God, but he’s still a god to our standards. He outclasses anything else on Azeroth by a very large margin. Yogg and C’thun were weak from imprisonment when we fought them. That’s how we managed to win.

After N’Zoth recovers it’s a different game from what we faced before.

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That…doesn’t still mean we can’t actually kill him as is the point I made. Didn’t say it would be easy, the other old gods were not easy in their raids either. Homeboy though tried saying we couldn’t kill them.

@Konkaa, implied is not actual. There is no reason to not believe he could be mobile. You now are trying to make some stretches since you messed up our conversation lol

Don’t you old gods have phones?!

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Given how old they are, I would assume they at least have a old nokia 3310