What is going on in goldshire

what do you mean amazon women?? there are no amazons in WOW

Maybe because it’s not age restricted? You don’t know the age of who you’re talking to on the other side, could be a youngin for all you know.

I think it’ll take a case like that for blizzard to actually step in and do something which is sad.

I was gonna mention night elves, but Blizzard bastardized and retconned that out of existence, so never mind

so what you’re saying is
 you’re jealous.


what realm does this happen in and did you guys ever let Mr T and William shattner join in???

all day every day on moonguard bb :wink:

Google Death by Snu Snu 
 thank me later

did you say death star? like star wars??/

It’s not about the wages - it’s about the MASSIVE resulting lawsuit and lifetime supply of therapy that follows

what do you guys do when the horde attack

That’s because nobody likes going over to Orgimmar, it’s ugly and there’s nothing cool to look at.

The first rule of Goldshire is you don’t talk about Goldshire.


Mostly nothing.

The majority of the goings-on are in whispers so the raids get ignored.

The only folks who have to worry are the few who decide to hang around flagged.

There are a lot of duels and such happening just north of the inn, so usually those are the only ones who get involved in PvP.

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Ah, I know where to look now. prepares the infernal

don’t let this thread die


I feel sorry for the chickens that reside outside the Lion’s Pride Inn, they have plenty of horror stories to tell about the place and what goes on :scream:

That rule gets broken alot. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Some day the chickens will write a tell-all book! And they’ll name names! :chicken:

Those chickens might meet with fowl play


what do you do with the chickens and do they help you battle the horde