You know what, have fun. Don’t forget your shield.
Won’t someone please think of the poor inn dwellers!?
Dude…we don’t talk about Goldshire. The first rule of Goldshire is not talking about Goldshire
I always give 69 gold to the dancers there, 1k gold if they are Pandaren, Kul Tiran or Gnome
i regret realm transferring to Kel Thuzad now lmao
but why do the horde attack it daily and no olne ever attacks ogrimar???
What happens in Goldshire, stays in Goldshire. Be thankful for that ;p
but how come horde attacks there an alliance never goes after them
because durotar sucks and elwynn is the way cooler place to hangout
they don’t even have fences to stand on
Horde are jealous of our luscious forests.
What ISN’T going on in Goldshire…
Fly, fly, dirty birdies!
the horde attacks goldshire at l=east 1 toi,me a day but no one defends it they just let the horde attack and they do nothing to stop them
Um… which server are we talking cause the answer on what’s going on in Goldshire changes a lot based on that information.
when i see tauren roll into goldshire the parties really getting started then.
goldshire is under attack by horde daily
The Horde is angry that you won’t share the snoo-snoo with them.
what is a snoo snoo