What is a paladin in real life?

Depending on culture, historic period, and games that have been about it can literally mean everything. I prefer the Russian versions as this was a guy who slew dragons. He is part warrior, hunter, and blood druid(aka death mage). It just made him more interesting.

Well I see a gun, but he doesn’t seem to be traveling.

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Ahhh good old Paladin always had gun always willing to travel


This appears to be a hunter thing.

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This is WoW . Everything is a hunter thing :rofl:


Well mannered chads :sunglasses:

Paladin was just a higher ranking knight back in France, like the knights high enough in rank to serve in the royal court… and even then it wasn’t exactly a popular term.

It would be like calling a DC teamup movie “The Justice Society of America” which wouldn’t be wrong, but it would confuse people who only ever called them the much more popular “Justice League”.

If you want to know where the whole “holy powers” things come from… I guess you’d have to cast “speak with dead” on Gary Gygax.

Anthony Fauci