What ilvl in SL?

At level 60 in SL, what will our ilvl be if doing just the main quest line?


From what I heard, just doing the main quest line will not get you to level 60. So you are going to have to do side quests.

While this does not answer your question (sorry I don’t know the answer,) I’m just trying to help here.

Source: PSA! Shadowlands Leveling Warning! Don’t get stuck grinding! - #36 by Dwarven-frostmourne

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Probably about 170 to 180.

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the only thing i’ve seen is +15’s will drop 207 and mythic raid will be 230-235. assuming those numbers are accurate that gives a bit of an idea.

i’d say that’s a good guess.

M15s will drop 210s and the weekly great vault will drop 226.

I don’t know questing ilvl, but here is a link for all group content drops.


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As a beta tester I can answer it won’t be really high. I will place this in perspective. If you’re a heroic raider. Expect upgrades to start being rewarded late Ardenweald, early Revendreth. If you are a fresh toon which didn’t do any catch ups, you will get rewards straight up.

My current live gear sits at 127 and the final item lvl I got by the the time I finished the questing story I was sitting around 12 item levels higher then that.

Rewards also don’t scale with your item level or your character level.


^ This is correct. You will not have high enough ilvl to use the queue function for Heroic dungeons.

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170 is from heroic dungeons.

hmm… think it was answered… so by the time I get to level 60 just doing all questing path and stuff like that (no heroic dungeons or M+, ONLY SL questlines) - I should be around 139il?

Probably about 140-150 ilvl. Questing usually puts you just under normal (level capped) dungeon ilvl, which is usually about 30 below M0, which off the top of my head is about 180.

Gear item levels go in steps of 13 now like they did in previous expansions.

So if we work backwards.

Mythic is 226.
Heroic is 213.
Normal is 200.
+2 is 187 (end of dungeon), +0 is 183.
Heroic is 170.
Normal dungeons (at 60) would be 157.

Questing isn’t as linear, but you’d expect to be between 140-150 when you hit level cap.

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Thank you… this helps a lot