What if you were appointed Principal Narrative Designer for Blizzard?

Retcon everything post-MoP. Go back to making the player an adventurer taking part in a narrative that’s bigger than they are. Smaller stories focused on Azeroth while planting seeds for a big bad every couple of expansions—which would still take place on Azeroth. Forget the cosmos nonsense. Get away from having a world-ending threat every expansion. There is supposedly a whole other side of Azeroth to explore after all.


I’d be down for a Warcraft Deadliest Catch/Time Team mashup. Raids are 24hours of hauling pots & trying not to get crushed, washed overboard or foot caught in the bite. The Captain is the raid boss & deals damage with salty insults. There’s no killing of them, but you have to make a certain weigh in at the end or the whole raid wipes. Mechanics revolve around not letting busted hydraulics kill anyone, or engine failures sink the ship. Engineers are a must for repairs. There’s a 40% chance you get ice spray debuff and have to bust ice with mallets for 2-4 hours. Occassional murloc adds invade to steal your bait. Makura can sometimes come up with the pot as miniboss that gives you a bonus tank fill if you kill it in time. If you don’t you lose the entire pot.

You’re also competing against other wow players on other ships for the whole season. Top 10 ships take away best gear upgrades.

The time team situation would be similar. A mad scramble to excavate a site in 72 hours before it gets built over with highway or skyscraper. You’re taking damage by the dig boss yelling at you. Work to try to keep mud, rainwater and general carelessness collapse the walls of your dig. Politicians are minibosses that come in trying to disrupt your progress for PR clout. If you kill them fast enough you get a heavy equipment buff from local city to speed up progress. Otherwise a cease and desist order debuff that slows you down. Pirates & plunderes occassionally invade to try & steal your tools and your relics. You have to avoid breaking delicate items, threatening weird exotic endangered species that constantly get in your way, and not hit anything vital or deadly like gas/ley lines, old buried war explosive ordinances, or power lines. Occassionally angry undead will rise and try to murder you.


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So far, most of you have my vote. I will be sending Ion and Metzen out shortly in the hopes that you choose the correct items.

This is fascinating. What would you do for the Vulpera?

Hmmmmm… maybe a rogue group of sethrak, think scarlet crusade-ish, rise to try and enslave/kill the vulpera once again. Maybe they also rebel against other sethraki and try to summon some great long lost snake god. Horde and alliance have to come to save the vulpera and “good” sethraki alike. Tier sets could be alot of desert nomad like, maybe mad max-ish style.

This game has just come off of some pretty insane retconning with Shadowlands. So not surprising so many people want to undo that in this thread in some fashion while going forward. Reminds me of the old “yo dawg, I heard you like…” memes: “Yo dawg, I heard you like retcons. So I put a retcon in your retcon for you to retcon.”

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if i was that i would write sylvanas in as the queen of world of warcraft and have every expansion follow her exploits

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If you retcon a retcon, you get the original story.

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