What if we had no borrowed power?

Either the bloat would be terrible or the players would be whining about how boring it is playing the same thing year after year with only one addition per expansion.

Metas are always created because WoW is based on math and you can figure out which classes are the best.

Or do you think in classic, which is dripping with class fantasy, that guilds just accidentally stack 15+ fury warriors in their raids? And allow, maybe, a token moonkin/ret/enhance.

And even then, the forums complains how Blizzard used tier set bonuses as a band-aid to fix their broken classes rather than making sure each class was good on its own.

Don’t lump me in with your “no one” i love my twilight devastation.

Funny how you left out the first word of the sentence in your quote :slight_smile:

I found Legion rewarding simply because of all the different class related stuff. Even specs had different quests and lore. It made leveling alts a lot more fun and gives me a reason to go back and play other characters through it.

I’d definitely enjoy the game more if they would quit taking power away from the players.

If I had the power, I’d have done progression something like this:

  • Vanilla through Wrath - Talent trees
  • Cataclysm - stop earning Talent points, unlock Path of the Titans as you level up
  • Pandaria - unlock Teachings of the Celestials (similar to Path of the Titans) as you level up
  • Warlords, unlock Commander ranks that grant new abilities as you level up
  • Legion, transfer the Artifact powers from the weapons to the player character, remove the AP grind and just have them earned as you level up. Convert Crucible powers to trinkets.
  • BFA, delete the HOA and transfer Azerite powers to the player character, turn Essences into trinkets, delete Corruption. Remove the AP grind and unlock as you level up

I have no issue with borrowed power.

It’s been in the game since vanilla.

We would be playing some other game because the current Blizzard dev team appears to be incapable of designing an expac without them, based upon the last 2.:speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Buddy don’t start on Classic. This “version” of classic is an absolute joke they released and is why fury warriors are so dominant even before AQ release. Also pulling the “well u just want classic dont u haha” argument proves you’re an actual apebrain.

Just saying that I rarely see hybrid DPS in actual groups unless its some weird rag-tag comp. No reason to realisticly bring an ele or a ENH shaman for example to a Mythic raiding team (maybe ele but its rare and depends on the tier.) They don’t realisticly design boss fights anymore to allow classes like that to have a spot. I remember in Mists that Enhance + Ele had a good spot on some fights with using Ancestral Guidance and Healing Tide totem to outheal something like Garrosh’s Whirlwind AOE.

But then again this game is pretty much playable on a controller now so it’s whatever.

Where would I put my Christmas trees?

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The fury rework that made them broken was done in 1.6 (BWL) by the way. That is the major patch that actually made bloodthirst an ability and made fury amazing.

The hardest boss this expansion (ever? 750+ wipes was the “norm”) stacked shamans specifically for their self res utility which is a little funny.

Melee in general is unfavorable in raiding and the limited spots go to the fotm classes. Ele, moonkin, and shadow have been solid almost all expansion. Shadow was actually broken OP for the last 2 raid tiers.

Class stacking happens when content is tuned extremely tightly or some broken utility is used (like rogue soaking in Legion).

And in MoP every dps you brought that wasn’t a warlock was just gimping your raid. Maybe your memory isn’t that good.

This topic is now about player housing.


Game would be pretty boring without it

Classes have only had stuff taken away since legion. The only gains we’ve gotten are via borrowed power systems

Unless Blizzard wants to start focusing on class changes and new talents / abilities, borrowed power is all we have

Role Character Item Level Artifact
DPS (Destruction) 560.56
DPS (Beast Mastery) 566.93
DPS (Destruction) 568.31
DPS (Balance) 571.63
Healing (Discipline) 565.87
DPS (Unholy) 571.60
Tank (Protection) 570.94
DPS (Subtlety) 563.75
Healing (Holy) 568.25
Tank (Protection) 558.06
DPS (Affliction) 567.73
Healing (Restoration) 564.07
DPS (Subtlety) 568.88
DPS (Fire) 565.81
DPS (Beast Mastery) 569.13
DPS (Shadow) 563.50
Tank (Brewmaster) 565.38
DPS (Elemental) 570.19
DPS (Assassination) 563.44
DPS (Fury) 572.63
Healing (Restoration) 563.50
DPS (Subtlety) 564.31
DPS (Destruction) 565.60
DPS (Feral) 564.87
DPS (Unholy) 496.13

Method’s world first kill for SoO on 25H. You sure about the warlock stacking? Only like four warlocks out of 25 people when Warlocks were nuts? Damn thats crazy.

Honestly I would not mind borrow power so much if Classes didn’t felt so off or clunky without it. (IMO)

Gear sets of old, and how we earned them, were a more interesting system. What we have now could have been better.

Losing the artifact weapons also plays into this. Our classes at this moment feel like they’re still balanced to an extent around having them. When they introduce these new systems, they need to test them properly to ensure that we are playing complete classes that are fun.

CASUAL player and BFA cant be in the same sentence, just no. I play around 20 hours a week sometimes and Im not able to keep up with all the grind you have to do.

back in WOTLK you just log, pug a raid and move on, no need to grind rep no need to grind anything, you kill content get reward, that’s it.

pugs were easy to do, content was easy unless you were trying too do achievements, right now content is extra hard and unless you are in a hardcore guild you wont see all content, the most you will see is 1-4 mythic bosses per raid tier, while before you could do the whole raid HC.

even LK was easy at the end to pug, specially after the nerf. try to pug a mythic yogg right now see if you get close to it.

I dislike the rental power systems. Here’s why;

They are often wildly unbalanced, even though all the feedback points that out well before they go live. Then you choose an option, invest time into grinding for it, only to gave it nerfed into oblivion the next day when the see their mistake.

It always feels bad to lose everything you worked so hard for.

All the systems that pass for content make alts difficult to play without a significant time investment.

Why is this even needed? Does it make the game better to have a bunch of passive buffs that almost no one is even aware of during actual play? Is it fun to have the majority of your output come from random luck?

I am quite sure one everyone completed every single quest in Shadowlands, they would feel they have completed the game and move back to legacy content.

With nothing to progress in or no sense of purpose, players would eventually become bored of the game and move onto something else as a whole due to the content drought.

Also a majority would dedicated artists who commonly play for fun would actually move onto other games, I believe they prefer to maintain their current profession instead of wasting their time with a Toxic Raiding Community.