What if third war never happened?

and arthas never went bad? would things happen differently?

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Sylvanas would never be turned into a banshee. Malfurion would still be asleep. Probably.


This was explored in a novel in an alternate timeline.

Blackmoore sobered up and actually amassed the Orcs into an army and overthrew Lordaeron. Kel’thuzad became his Majordomo. Arthas and Jaina fled to Stormwind with their child (can’t remember if it was a son or daughter), and were making plans with Varian and Tiffin to reclaim Lordaeron.


Wasn’t that on the premises that Thrall dies?

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The legion would still invade eventually. Arthas or not, they’d still release the scourge and create a lich king.

So if not them, others would take the place. Malfurion would still be awoken from the same cause and effect. Time would just be the factor.


Yeah, Ner’zhul would still be around so that would still lead to the Scourge forming but if Arthas never went bad then probably someone else would fall under Ner’zhul’s plans.

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Actually, they didn’t.

Kel’thuzad became Blackmoore’s Chief Advisor. Because of this, he never created the Cult of the Damned, and the Scourge never got started.

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oh sorry i waste time making this thread. did not know about book.


Not necessarily.

After all, there are numerous timelines. Even one where everyone is Murlocs. I think it’s fair to speculate, I just wanted to bring the novel to the attention of folks in this thread, as it is something Blizzard has explored, although intended as an alternate timeline. They tend to go a bit whacky with the alternates.

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I’d imagine if Arthas never became lich king Ner’zul would of found a different candidate and done a new path forward. Who’s to say though

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And it was all just as the Jailer had planned. Which would mean every timeline is being affected by the Jailer to reach his goals. I hate timeline shenanigans.

That’s a single AU out of countless, not really worth referencing. If you follow the same timeline under the premise that arthas doesn’t go darkside, it pretty much goes the same way once they find a new person to turn to the lich king


by that logic there is also a timeline where the jailor’s not responsible for it and the plot is done by someone else.

Let’s make that the main timeline.


sadly that was the cut timeline as Sylvanas was supposed to be doing the genocide to strengthen the shadowlands forces to fend off a great evil alongside the maw troops but they changed the story to the train wreck we got instead V_V … I forget who said it but a Blizz employee who quit basically told the entire tale of how they seemingly rewrote the entire Shadowlands expansion plot overnight as people wanted to drag Sylvanas through the mud. I’m sure you can find the video on youtube under something like Shadowlands rewritten or true Shadowlands or whatever I found it a while back

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And Teldrassil will never burn down and will instead become corrupted and turn into an old god name Tel’Saron! :grin:

Now that would be an interesting timeline to explore. Us trying to save Azeroth from a demonic tree, the Nelfs being controlled by the tree to protect it.