I tried pvp once. Back in vanilla. On a Warlock. I still have nightmares of getting stun locked and stomped.
what if they forced you to eat broccoli and you paid for it? What if …
were you running affliction, because that was just DoT DoT run win. I also enjoyed the copious stun locks. Thankfully as a resto druid it had to be 3 piled on 1 for my HoTs not to overpower the damage coming in. We were a force. So were Discipline Priests who could nuke and heal like crazy.
If it’s smothered in cheese sauce I’m in.
Cooked broccoli with cheese is very good.
This sounds more like a Autocracy than anything.
Always have an exit strategery.
I was running demo. I also tried it on a druid with the same outcome. The whole experience soured me to anything pvp related.
Bacon. If you don’t like broccoli try it gently sauteed in a bit of bacon grease and crumbled bacon on top. But the cheese is also a great incentive.
I love broccoli and cheese soup.
I like broccoli. I love it smothered in cheese.
no its plain and over boiled broccoli
mushy at best
what if it was a Sentient broccoli covered in cheese?
That’s still ok. Least it’s cooked.
I’d quit.
No, not take a break, quit.
Because it would mean they don’t respect non-PvPers.
I was affliction in TBC - just run behind the pack and DoT everything up. Get in the middle if a rogue targets you and hope for a peel. As a resto druid it was just stand in the middle of everything and roll heals until you’re out of mana - stun locks only took you down if the enemy dog piled on you and no one peeled them off.
they have respect?
No NO Cheese. I didnt say cheese you cheeze brains lol
Eats the same. I don’t care if it’s screaming.
wiggles toes
Cheese? Got it.